i have a dream


and don’t want to wake up from the state i’m in. still feeling the effects, still making plans to go deeper. funny when you travel, you never know what’s going to come of it. for me it seems i found a new passion in affordable real estate. no one believed me that there were apartments for about 150,000 euros available in the heart of paris. ( i happen to be a bargain huntress despite my lust for finery) . going thru my pics from the trip i see i was definitely out to prove them wrong. i wish i could buy them all and start my own little paris apartment biz right now, but if i can’t, maybe you can!?

this is what got me started, imagining a little place to call chez moi…


i started obsessing and searching out agencies in all the different neighborhoods.


this is just the tip of the iceberg!


you’ll have to excuse my pics, they were taken thru windows


i mean take your pick!








this one below is the most expensive topping 200g’s but hey, it’s so cute, it’s worth the little extra! happy hunting!!


oh and of course i have to throw in my bit of parsian gaiety wherever i can find it. i spent time with my nieces who were dressed as pirates for a local parade. to me they looked like they were ready to have their portraits painted in 1740’s france! yes, i know, auntie claudie is suffering from dimentia!! somebody stop me!


oh and politically:


October 8, 2007. Design, Dreams, Furniture, Living, Louis Icart, Mme Du Barry, Paris, Paris Trip, Real Estate.


  1. Becca replied:

    What a marvelous blog … I can hardly believe that I have not had the privilege of visiting before.


  2. Leigh replied:

    Wow, so many great apartments! Like you said, I wouldn’t have thought you could even find anything in that price range. I’d like one myself.


  3. Lalla Lydia replied:

    What a lovely and inspiring post! The pictures of your nieces are charming, by the way. I’d have been more than happy with an aunt like you as a child! (And don’t most of us still love dressing up?)
    I never ever would have thought that such lovely spaces would be available in Paris for so little. Thanks for the scoop!


  4. ladyjicky replied:

    I have just bought two lottery tickets and if my ship comes in as they say – I shall be over to Paris like a flash!


  5. giorgia replied:

    Uhm… do you realise that a 6 square metres “apartment” (the one costing 61,600 euros… that’s more than 10,000 euros per square metre – in all honesty that’s ridiculous.) is a place as big as less than half my bedroom? Seriously, it’s a *very small* single bedroom – one you could only put a single bed and a side table in – not an apartment…


  6. rochambeau replied:

    I bet you’re moving to Paree!
    Or will be finding yourself there more often
    I feel the wheels turning.
    How exciting!


  7. Joy replied:

    Wanna split on one? ;)


  8. Fabulous Finds replied:

    I just sold my house and I am moving to Paris! Well…not really…but a girl can dream (sigh). :-)Julie


  9. parisapartment replied:

    dream big! i know these are small. they’re starter apartments. i believe any four walls can be anything! Giorgia, that’s only one of them! most are at least 20, look again. anyway you’re getting a floor in Hotel Bijou, remember?


  10. giorgia replied:

    I didn’t mean to crash anyone’s dreams, of course, I was just thinking out loud, and, unfortunately, reality check is always in order for me, even when dreaming – otherwise I’d be always walking on clouds myself… :)


  11. Mélanie replied:

    Without the proof I could not have believed you !!!
    Well it seems to be affordable …and it seems south of France is even more expensive ..


  12. Liberty Post replied:

    Why do you say that you can’t sell these? You could do it. Your passion can carry you far. Dream Big.


  13. Jenny replied:

    This is a favorite game of mine and my husband–drooling at the windows of real estate agents in Paris. I too take photos of the advertisements, proof of a dream that someday might happen (god willing and the lotto provides…)!


  14. Laura replied:

    Hi there,
    Longtime reader here delurking. I’m actually an ex-New Yorker, married to a French guy, living in Paris and I just so happen to be a real estate buyer’s agent for Paris Property Finders.

    Definitely don’t want to rain on your parade, but I wouldn’t necessarily recommend any of the ones you picked for one reason or another – sketchy neighborhood, extremely tiny, sold occupied (it’s oftentimes tricky to get renters out), etc.

    That being said, buying here is not as crazy as you might think – mortgage rates are low, you can often coverage large portions of your mortgage with vacation rentals, and the carrying costs are also quite low. Not to mention that it is a great hedge to the dollar.

    I did a quick search for you – these are more what I would recommend: http://www.seloger.com/1781/28950449/detail.htm or http://www.seloger.com/207022/29353149/detail.htm or http://www.seloger.com/156802/29517073/detail.htm or http://www.seloger.com/146664/29937631/detail.htm for example.

    My two cents. Thanks for writing such a great blog by the way. A plus tard.


  15. parisapartment replied:

    nice! thanks for the tip and the links. the point is that there ARE places that are affordable apts available (ps i love those neighborhoods)! i really like the first one on your list.


  16. Jeannene replied:

    “What lovely children in there elegant renaissance costumes or shall i say every day attire??” They are quite adorable indeed!! Quite saddened to think you are leaving us…”but you must have a dream,and where you have a dream , you must fly!!”



  17. Jeannene replied:

    …”i am sorry, must correct myself”… they are your beautiful nieces and “Pirate”…i do agree with you, they look more 1700’s attire to me as well, so either you are not suffering with dementia, or i am too…LOL!!


  18. girlmeetsglamour replied:

    Okay, um I’m really surprised! I didn’t know paradise could be so affordable. Maybe I need a an apartment in Paris too :)



  19. Felicia replied:

    What cute pirates!


  20. Cindy replied:

    Bonjour Claudia~
    Love your post! Thank you for taking us down memory lane with you. Dreams can’t come true if there isn’t first . . . a dream. Keep dreaming, and whenever possible, dream big! Why, if you hadn’t listened to your heart, there might not be ~~~ The Paris Apartment. Mais non!!!

    In the future, I can see you occupying the (entire!) top floor of that gorgeous apartment in your first photo. (Smile~smile!) Several of the apartments would be required for offices to run your (ever expanding) business, with spaces for workrooms and showrooms; the other apartments would combine into your own private, and very large, luxury Parisian apartment.

    Keep dreaming the dreams of your heart. Your creative spirit, smart business sense and optimitic perspective combined with unexpected possibilities can equal FABULOUS OPPORTUNITIES!! Stay open to the beauty and blessings that are meant for you. Continue to see what you alone can see. And keep living your life beautifully and generously ~ you are an inspiration to us all!



  21. Tanya Whelan replied:

    Oh my goodness, thank you for this post and to the Parisian real estate agent for the links!! Love looking and dreaming about that French real estate!!


  22. Di Overton replied:

    At last someone else who has discovered how cheap you can buy apartments in Paris. No one believes me either. You must have been there at the same time as me. Hope you enjoyed it as much as I did.


  23. marita replied:

    OMG!!! Claudia!! 43m2 for euros 200.000 :O you must be joking. i would never buy a matchbox for that price!! would go crazy in such a tiny place, crying every month paying my morgage!! it’s paris prices ofcourse. crazy!! i prefer a place in the southern provence sun for much lesser and bigger space, a lovely little garden, an ancient olive tree and a palm perhaps… a small pool just for me!! come over claudia, you’re invited!! ;))


  24. Parisbreakfasts replied:

    So tempting isn’t it!
    More tempting than gazing at pastries in a patisserie I’d say.


  25. Suzy replied:

    Thanks for posting those, even though you didn’t need to prove it, I beleived you! You have me thinking though…


  26. franki durbin replied:

    Darling, we simply must start pooling out Euros together and invest in some of these amazing finds. It seems to me that you could write it all off as a tax deductible business expense. It doesn’t take a logic leap to tie “the Paris apartment” to “a” Paris apartment. Even the most conservative CPA can see that connection.

    Think of all you’d save in hotel fees alone.


  27. Affordable Properties replied:

    http://www.affordableproperties.com has a great selection, check it out!


  28. candid cool replied:

    beautiful pictures


  29. mortgage replied:

    That is very important section. You are possibly that a good broker. Thanks.


  30. Junior replied:

    The city of my dreams…i wantogotopariss


  31. viager replied:

    You know that viager is a real opportunity to reverse in France in property. See more [url]http://www.costes-viager.com viager [url]


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