that’s what’s up

good morning guys! I hope you had a fantastic weekend. i’m finally recharged after getting to bed early every night for the past few days. i haven’t felt like i had much to say lately cause, as you know, i can’t write when i have a TO DO list, but it’s finally dwindling ever so slightly! i  wasn’t going to mention any of the following press cause, well, it’s kind of self promoting but i thought what the heck, isn’t this a ‘log’ of what happens? and i have acknowledge and thank the editors and magazines for actually thinking of me for their articles. and since things can get tough and overwhelming, at least i’ll have this to look back on when i’m 100 and remember the good old days!

and now back to us! i’ve been meaning to do this giveaway since before the holidays and it’s now or never! gliteratti has sent two divine books from their new collection. the first is ‘stealing magnolias’ and the second is ‘three weeks with coco chanel in 1962’. if you’d like either of them, specify which and we’ll draw a winner for each on friday.

i wonder if the sartorialist would have stopped her today?

these are from the magnolias book, it’s filled with traditions and memories of new orleans and life in the south from yesterday and today. just gorgeous, i love both books!

well have a great week. i hope we all get a lot done and love doing it!

March 5, 2012. Books, Giveaway, Press. 53 comments.

parisian powder puff party at my place

bonsoir tout le monde! i hope you’re warm and cozy this winter night. i kind of took it easy today, feeling a little rundown and not terribly productive. but then, as they say at tara, tomorrow’s another day.

for now i just wanted to share a bit of fluff. nothing could be more insignificant in this day and age than powder puffs, but they’re something i happen to love and collect. the other day i was messing around at home,  shooting my antique flapper’s fluffy powder puff and compact from a paris flea market. it’s tiny, the size of a 50 cent piece if that. it’s got a well worn leather cover,  a mirror and little screen, an entire world on a key chain. the cherry on top is the goosedown puff that was still with it.  i often wonder who she was and where she went in her doubtlessly fabulous life en paris in the 20’s when it was new.

i’m sure my pics of the puff would have ended up in a folder if this shipment hadn’t come in today.  it started with house beautiful’s march issue which hails the power of all things pink. (you can imagine the color i was tickled when they called to include my powder puffs from paris).

look hard, squint if need be.

so i made an order to the tiny factory in france where they’ve been making these for many years. coincidentally, the shipment  came in today. it was the first time to see them all together and it made my kind of crabby day a little lighter. (powder puffs cancel out negativity, apparently).

funny how puffs were de rigueur on any self respecting vamp’s vanity for decades.  now they’re nostalgic but still so much fun, there’s something inherently playful about them.  they bring out the diva and child in everyone.

of course it’s a great issue cause it’s loaded with pretty pink things. i indulged and shot these totally blatantly and probably completely illegally hey who’s watching?

pink just lights up a room, even if it’s just flowers.

even one pink piece adds a freshness


the issue has lots of great little images tucked throughout.


ok well i’ve been messing with this for way too long. i’m going to cut out while there’s still some enchantment left to the  evening. have a great nuit and think pink!

February 4, 2011. flappers, Paris, Photography, Press. 20 comments.

escaping to reality

hi guys! i had to cut out for a couple days after starting to fizzle out from techno overload. but i’ve been furiously working on some pretty major stuff  i’ll tell you about soon. for now,  just wanted to say hey and share a few of the many bloggers who pass through each day leaving bits of beauty in their wake. there’s just nothing that compares to the inspiration other bloggers post each day. i live for this infinite spring of real life lives and wish i could visit each and every one. actually i’m promising myself to do that a little more of that each day. after all, what fun would all this ‘work’ be if there wasn’t be some blogging reward at the end?

hope you enjoy these old and new friends! via

this woman is a force of nature

lonny magazine via

honestly, i don’t know how these bloggers do it all!

atlantabartlett via

the talent!

the originality!

the random beauty!

and last but not least, i just can’t say a big enough thank you to inStyle for featuring my little handles on a page in their march edition. it looks great, girls, you’re the best!

ok sweet friends, good night and sweet & deep dreams!

February 19, 2010. Blogroll, Friends, Press. 19 comments.

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