keys to the fleas 2.0

bonjour or, actually at this point, it’s bon soir… all i truly know is that after this i’m gonna watch a foreign film cause i’m feeling the need to hear some french. so, how’s your weekend going? i’m wrapping up a day of working on yet another facet that i’ve let slip through the cracks (for 7 years)! that’s what i get for putting lots of broad strokes out there. they all need attention!

so i’ve been attending. in fact, the website is up (just a page but i’m minimizing). it’s the flea market app, keys to the fleas, paris. you may remember that? it’s hard to believe how much time has flown since the launch in 2010. the technology we used is so ‘primitive’ now, it actually looks vintage. well it was supposed to in a way.

and as much as i want to have it all modern and techy, i still don’t want it to become completely sleek…but chic. there’s always a happy medium and i’m gonna find it. and in the meantime, i have another giveaway for you! we have 2 app promo codes, so if you’re interested in downloading the original, now’s the time to get it.

truth is i’ll miss it when the new one comes out. anyhow, let me know if you’d like a code.

finally, i wanted to share something i came across today while looking at the analytics that was kind of a fun insight. it’s a website called and you can see what various apps are trending and where which is beyond fascinating. i wish these links were live, like they are on the site. it’s such an anthropological and sociological insight into our humanity. funny that #1 in the US is one i’ve never heard of, hooked. have you?

well that’s it, midnight, and that does it for me tonight. have a great night!

April 16, 2017. APP. 3 comments.

we have lift off! keys to the fleas: paris

hey guys! i wanted to surprise you but had no idea how long the process would take at apple so the cat was out of the bag last week but…you’re still the first to know, the app launched on itunes! i’ll be giving away 10 to my blog buds for review so if you’d like to check it out, let me know and we’ll do the drawing next week. in the meantime if you don’t want to wait and do get one, please let me know your thoughts on how it works. if it needs tweaking or there’s a typo i’m depending on you to let me know!

thank you so much to all the extremely patient people who worked on it from producer and wrangler, catherine, and dear friend claudia ii, to elaine biss‘ illustrations, mo and michael, the developers and mom and dad who had my back when i really needed it. it’s amazing to have a team who transformed my years of study at the paris fleas into practical information. i can’t wait to share with you and thank you, too for all encouragement!

Keys to the Fleas

to win one just leave a comment and if you want to host a giveaway on your blog, let me know and we’ll set you and your winner up with one too!

July 11, 2010. Antique Book Markets Paris, Antique Shopping, APP, Brocantes, Marché aux Puces, Marche aux Timbres Paris, Paris, Paris Flea Markets. 71 comments.

i’m not messing around

hi guys, happy summer! hope your week is off to a good start.

i’ve been on the down low for the past couple of weeks, maybe it was a combo of burnout from paris and coming home to miami and all that’s looming. still i’ve been busy and spent the past few days with my partner catherine in chicago working on the app and we’re finally at the last stage. i can’t believe how much work went into this but it’s going to apple for approval this week!

i thought you’d enjoy a small preview of some of the pics.

i love old flea pics.  just goes to show you how little has changed and  how much of the same stuff keeps getting passed around from generation to generation.

anyway i still have to go through the 3000 (literally)! photos i took in paris cause we’re putting out a photo book at the same time the app launches. truth is it was supposed to happen when i was there but guess everything in due time, right?

well, it’s after 2pm and i’ve got a pair of 6 year old nieces who’ll be expecting their fairy godmother to be up and at em when they are.

so i’ll leave you with these and bid you bonne nuit.

i’m glad you were here and  i’ll stop by chez vous too.  for now,  sweet dreams!

June 22, 2010. APP, Fleamarkets, Marché aux Puces, Paris Flea Markets. 35 comments.