be sure to wear some flowers in your hair

wouldn’t this be a fun place to rent? i imagine opening a place like i imagine having an a apartment.  there’s food for thought everywhere here.

this is it from a distance. it’s next to city light books in north beach which is uber picturesque.

it’s a little italy. very cozy. and the perfect place for brunch.

hey guys, hope you’re having a happy sunday night. i’m still in san francisco and it was another day of non stop action in this pulsing metropolis of beauty and creativity!  today was all about me so you know i went straight for the le decor. it’s insane how much is going on here. just for kicks i’m editing a bunch but this is it cause there’s just way too much and i have a ton of stuff to do right NOW!  but this is more fun ;p

here are some highlights:

first stop was past perfect on lombard. i go running for this place whenever i’m in town. there’s always something incredible. this time it was antique mirrored furniture.

i died for this gorgeous french mirrored bar from the 1930s in perfect condition!

and this little 20’s cocktail table

and don’t get me started on the moderne! the prices are really good and you get a huge variety cause there are 40 dealers in this store and i think even more  in the one on union. this one is great for furniture and the other has amazing smalls.

so last night we drove to distant hoods till late at night and found valencia which was aBLaZe with life.  we went back again today. it’s incredible what’s going on in a two or 3 block strip.

we parked outside this colorful local haunt.  they had great dishes and tons of housewares.

one of the best shops on the street was harrisons. it’s enormous and overflowing with bargain vintage furniture and accessories with lots of full corners to discover stuff tucked away.

it’s one of those places you definitely have to look twice.

especially cause mirror is basically disappears.

a little bit of every thing and a great resource if you’re a lucky local.

next up was monument which is also gigantic with stores on both sides of the street. i just realized they’re on first dibs.

this dorothy draper chair was the highlight of my shopping day. then again, i’m a sucker for exquisite metal boudoir chairs in their original patina.

i can’t stop thinking about her!

loved this mirror that sort of disappears on the wall. oh wow, i’ve been decorating my fantasy new apartment.

ok well back to valencia street…these other adorable shops are all along the more adorable than the last. below is a shop that hosts temporary art exhibits.

in the survival annex the designers came up with something that you could use if you need to survive. it’s pretty funny. you can read about the project here:

these little pouches were butter soft.

and this art is done with vintage wallpaper

for some reason my camera gave out while in this sweet paper shop, little otsu.

and lastly across the street to the weird but wonderful paxton gate.

and you know i love my street art and valencia has insane murals.

well, that about does it cause i could go on and on! i may not be back for a couple days as i’ve been really neglecting my drudgery work! it. this is ridiculously long post but that’s why i hunkered down to do this. otherwise this day would sit in a folder forever. hope you enjoyed it. and there’s always tomorrow. sweet dreams!

February 1, 2010. 1930's, Antique Shopping, California, Furniture, San Francisco.


  1. Bonnie replied:

    Thank you for taking us along the treasure hunt with you in San Francisco! Wish I was there having a cappuccino in the cafe too. The Dorothy Draper chair is takin me back to the Golden Age of glamourous days gone by. Looks like a fun trip!


  2. Claudia replied:

    Wow – such wonderful shopping! Thanks so much for all the eye candy!



  3. Rachel replied:

    oh, i would really like those 3 French chairs ! (but unfortunately i live too far away)


    • theparisapartment replied:

      actually there were four…you could always call and ask, i don’t think they were very much!


  4. Lindsey Gregory replied:

    OMG….what an AMAZING selection of vintage shops. I love that mirrored bar as well. It’s gorgeous!


  5. KeKe replied:

    What amazing phots!! I can surely imagne renting a space like that…I’d love to be able too!!

    I could spend all day in shops like the ones in the photos…I miss the city~ :)

    We have a few stores like that aorund here, and while they’re not bad, they’re not artistic looking like these ones~


  6. Karena replied:

    Beautiful shop to have all of your treasures displayed! Love the name too!


  7. kathleen crowley replied:

    Oh, you are making me fall in love with my city all over again! I love seeing what I see everyday through your eyes!


    • theparisapartment replied:

      what a great compliment! just sorry i didn’t hook up with my san fran girls. i’ll be back in the summer tho, hope we can have a coffee!


  8. kayellen replied:

    Oh this is great Claudia!!I love shopping in San Fran!!
    Amazing treasures and furniture galore!!!I can see why you kept taking pictures~~~wonderful=)

    Have a great week!

    Kay Ellen


  9. pam robinson replied:

    hi claudia..thank you for this amazing journey in one of my favorite cities… so fun… and thank you for some great new stores to haunt… if you have time… go to march. it is a great store. the food… the shops… the sites.. i cannot wait to visit again..hope you are really enjoying yourself… x pam


  10. Elaine B. replied:

    WOW!! WOWOOOWOWOW!! I love thrift stores! There are the best! Lucky girl!!


  11. a la parisienne replied:


    Thanks for the virtual tour of San Fran and all of the great shops! My husband and I went to Napa and San Francisco for our honeymoon and LOVED it! We must go back some day!

    Hope all is well with you!



  12. Stephanie replied:

    I really feel like I’ve been on a personal shopping tour. What a beautiful place and such interesting stores and furniture finds! San Francisco tourism board should put you on their payroll :)


  13. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    I think Sf has a special look . I love every single piece in your pics !!! Gorgeous !Thanks for the inspiration


  14. Irene replied:

    What a wonderful Saturday morning (for me!) tour! Loved every word and picture. Thanks! (I am all for that building!)


  15. theparisapartment replied:

    my pleasure, the most fun was sharing it with you!


  16. theparisapartment replied:

    my pleasure! the most fun was sharing it with you!


  17. sundaygirl24 replied:

    I really must get over to the States do some shopping. Perhaps I could set up a little foreign “shopping” exchange??? hmmmm xx


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