up one side and down the other

hi guys! it’s been a whirlwind summer and truth be known, i’m slightly exhausted and am only now going through the pics i just couldn’t bear to deal with while on the road. you bloggers know what i’m talking about. it’s all fun and games taking the shots but editing, resizing, balancing, cropping, and sorting can take all the joy out of it!

so tonite’s the night. my new goal is to do things in real time cause it’s just not the same when you wait, you know?

anyway, going thru it all i remember how much i love californians who let the ÜbeR foliage grow wild even when it’s trimmed.

totally random non sequitor but in san fran i thought it would be fun to start sending stuff from paris to different collectives, starting with this one, past perfect.

they have two locations and happen to have a space available.

actually the shopping there was amazing, with everything from lighting to big furniture.

this is the space they have open:

so changing gears, cause i could stay on cali for another 10 posts but the weekend took us back across the country to a weekend wedding in lake george. i’ve never spent time there but it was an another incredible hotel and the wedding was of course spectacular.

and i have to give them props for the foliage at the sagamore hotel

and though i couldn’t capture the beauty of the centerpeices, they used champagne grapes tucked in with the flowers and it was absolutment charmant!

on the way out i had to stop by the villa marie antoinette antique shop but it was closed.

still there was enough eye candy to amuse me and the staggering beauty of the architecture in our very own country never ceases to amaze me. there’s  much to see and do. what a world!

we took the long way home and stopped at little towns along the way like saratoga and  woodstock which were as pretty as anything we’d seen yet.

but i have to draw the line somewhere and just say ‘when’! besides i don’t need to bore you with my vacation shots but do want to remember these last couple weeks. it seems like a recurring theme to make sure the memories don’t get stuffed in a folder along with the pics and i’m grateful for blogging to give me that incentive to do more than just let the days pass by. hope you’re having a great summer and making memories you’ll always remember too. have a fabulous weekend!

August 20, 2010. California, Hotels, New York, San Francisco, Travel. 15 comments.

a walk to the palace

hi everyone, happy friday!  hope you’re getting ready for a great summer weekend. i’m on a five hour road trip to lake george for a wedding and it’s just getting to be the golden hour so i can’t stay too long but just wanted to continue going thru the sf pics. part of my vow to be more disciplined with both my pics and remembering good days.

i’m trying to go thru one folder a day and today’s is the palace which was a nice surprise on a walk to breakfast.

we went in through what must have been the side door cause even though i had heard it was special, i wasn’t prepared for how magnificent it really was.

the approach was low key

but even a peek into a window  revealed we were about to enter another universe

the ceiling literally took my breath away. partly cause i didn’t expect it, but also for its delicate beauty,  knowing who created it and the struggles they faced. (this was re-built after the 1906 fire). and made with nothing special,  just imagination and sheer will. not knowing if it would happen again, but faith that it wouldn’t and not compromising their art.

buy holy cow do they need a decorator?! i would love to pitch that!

just across the way is a knockout entry with an enormous bouquet of red roses. well, that almost makes up for the furniture! ok i better go, i’m being a terrible co-pilot! xc

August 13, 2010. California, Chandeliers, San Francisco. 20 comments.

places i’ve been with lynn

wow i can’t believe the day flew by. what a whirlwind and it’s 2am. since life is moving faster than light right now, blogging seems to be the way to reign it in and not let great days go by. working on the pics is turning into a nighttime meditation after a full day. in sf i couldn’t bring myself to post, i was so exhausted! looking at the pics now i remember why! everyday was jam packed. this was one of those great days. lynn picked me up on saturday morning and we arrived bright and early for an outskirts auction. it didn’t look like much at first glance but there were a lot of fantastic pieces tucked into nooks and crannies.

lynn got this old painting

and we both loved this portfolio of all things.

and she wanted this goyard trunk but it went really high

i always look for vanities and loved both of these

finding the pioneer gear is incredible, so much history in a hat.

(i promise to get the name of the auction and details tomorrow). our next stop was an hour away to petaluma. it’s a lively couple of streets in an old fashioned all american town. oh and the best part is that it’s full of great antique shopping in 4 or 5 collectives!

this old bank was our first stop. there are three floors and lots of little rooms to explore.

down the street is her favorite place, again i’ll get the deets tomorrow for you. it was filled with great old signs, big harvest tables and styled beautifully!

i would love to get this for lorraine

a collective across the street had 3 more floors of at least 50 dealers.


and the one next to that…

i could go on but there’s only one thing left to say tonight. we didn’t take pics and we didn’t leave the hotel, but it was just as magical. i had the pleasure to have had tea at the hotel with none other than melissa of reverie dreams. she brought her husband sean and daughter gaia and my life will never be the same! they’re the most beautiful trio you’d ever want to meet and i hope you do one day get to experience the joy that’s them! mel, i hope it’s ok i used this photo, it captures these two perfectly.

oh it’s late, ok gotta shut down, bonne nuit!

August 12, 2010. Auctions, California, San Francisco. 15 comments.

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