me me me


i’m a little tired of talking about myself all the time. i’ve been answering a lot of comments (something i haven’t had the luxury of doing till lately), and have had the chance to explore all the luscious blogs out there. my next post will be about sharing them!


but…i just got a copy of Romantic Homes for Valentine’s Day and was one of the contributers on what’s romantic to me. i was blown away by the company i was in and completely inspired by their layouts and stories! here’s a sampling:


i am in love with this woman from House, Inc. look at her layout!


my girl Tara Frey:


this was mine of course:


i could go on and on, it’s a beautiful issue as usual. i know there are so many of you out there with so much talent. if you want to showcase it in a magazine, i suggest you contact RH with some shots of your stuff. they are so easy to work with and always need new ideas so why not?

ok, on another note, i’m paring down and just have way too much stuff. this batch was used in a photoshoot recently and i’m not taking it to florida or putting it in storage sooooo, it’s going to be my first giveaway! if you leave a comment i’ll have the random number counter choose the winner. free shipping, LOL!


January 27, 2008. art, Press.


  1. Alyssa replied:

    I love House, Inc. too. Hmmm…I will definitely have to pick up this issue!


  2. Vicki replied:

    It is such a pleasure to be able to visit blogs and all the wonderful talents that are out there. Each and every one of you are your own special “star”. Thank you for your sparkle Claudia!!! I hope I am picked for your giveaway!!


  3. Jennie replied:

    I’m a longtime lurker making my first comment on your very beautiful blog.
    Thank you for sharing your world with us!


  4. Alison Gibbs replied:

    Claudia, that looks like a great issue of Romantic Homes. I will have to try and get a copy to checkout your artcle.


  5. Rachael replied:

    Looking forward to getting my copy, it takes so long to get to me in New Zealand:) Rachael


  6. ekettle replied:

    So you’re saying that by leaving a comment we could win that batch? The wife’s birthday is coming up…


  7. Gloria replied:

    Thanks Claudia for the beautiful preview of the latest issue of Romantic Homes! I will get it today.



  8. klynnnn replied:

    Just came to (re)visit your blog after reading the article in Romantic Homes… (be sure to let me know if you DO end up buying that Paris hotel – or find an apartment for vacation rental!)


  9. Cindy replied:

    Oh…pick me!!! Love the February issue…so much inspiration.


  10. Passementerie replied:

    Ooh – I must have a look and see if the WH Smith here in Paris carries Romantic Homes – clever you!


  11. Melissa @ The Inspired Room replied:

    Congratulations, it is a lovely issue! Well deserved! It is OK to be all about YOU YOU YOU — there is reason to celebrate! :-) I’m glad you shared this!


  12. Cindy replied:

    Thinking of you and wishing you a lovely day.



  13. Mandy Baker replied:

    Thanks for doing a destash for your readers. What fun! I always enjoy my visit with you so toot your horn as loud as you want!!!!


  14. Paul replied:

    What the heck :-) I’ll give it a go!
    Great magazine.


  15. Kari replied:

    I’m coming out of the closet (or linen press I would like to think) to comment on your blog and tell you congrats for your contribution to RH! I have been a long time fan of yours since a friend loaned me your book. I didn’t want to return it! I would love to see more of your home, hhmmm… maybe I will go back in your archives to see if I missed it.

    Congrats again!


  16. Mara replied:

    How nice of you to do a giveaway!
    I think I must go out and find a copy of Romantic Homes, it looks inspiring.


  17. michelle greenlee replied:

    I visit your blog everyday! I absolutely love it! Thanks so much, Michelle


  18. Julie (Fab.) replied:

    A fabulous giveaway from Claudia? Please count me in! I love how you added that tassel to the antique key…I’m gonna have to imitate that idea!
    That is such an inspiring issue of Romantic Homes…I think I have looked at at least 10 times!

    Best Wishes,


  19. Persephone replied:

    That’s a beautiful spread – I’ll have to pick up a copy. Congratulations!


  20. Dawn replied:

    Hi Claudia! I would love to be included in your first giveaway ~ I’m so glad that you blog and let us know what you’re up to…the Romantic Homes issue is GREAT! You were a perfect choice for that topic ~ xxoo, Dawn


  21. Pink Heels replied:

    Once again, CONGRATULATIONS on your success! It is always fun to see yourself in print! Savor the moment and celebrate! Jennifer


  22. robyn pope replied:

    I haven’t seen that magazine before, can’t wait to check it out. Thanks : )


  23. parisapartment replied:

    aw you all rock!!!!! i wish i had one for everybody! but don’t worry, this is so much fun and i have TONS of stuff!!!


  24. Amy replied:

    I was so excited to see you (and quite a few of my other must-read bloggers!) in the mag!! You are awesome, you know. ;-)

    ::hug hug hug::


  25. Sue replied:

    Claudia…You always seem to be having such a fun time! I get a lift when I read your blog. Oh..and pick me! pick me! :) Sue


  26. Lisa & Alfie replied:

    Oh, lovely Claudia. I’m going out to get my copy tomorrow and congratulations. Yes please, enter me in your drawing!
    Lisa & Alfie


  27. Adla replied:

    Hi i’m from Australia,lovely post, where can I get the issue of the magazine online? what treats for a giveway…looks fabulous :)


  28. Lorraine replied:

    I love Romantic Homes! I think it’s my favourite of them all right now – thank you for the sneak peek of the next issue and the chance to win some goodies!


  29. wendyangell replied:

    Hi Claudia- LOVE this post, as usual!!! Romantic is my style. I love all things romantic and I love your contribution to the magazine. Congrats on the article, I will have to buy it. And, speaking of blogging- how can I link to yours in my favorite daily reads?


  30. claudia reyes replied:

    I am an eternal romantic….I found isnpiration in your page, and even my page being a poetry and graphic page, I am now desiring to do a style page. and yours are a wonderful inspiring page to give me ideas. Thank you for being here, and I love romantic homes magazines, and a passion for parisian things.


  31. May replied:

    I tried to comment when Daisy passed but my computer wouldn’t let me. If you ever come across the childrens book “All Dogs go to Heaven” you have to pick it up. You’ll cry your eyes out the first time you read it, but then it becomes a beautiful way to think of them and all the fun they’re having! xo


  32. anne replied:

    What an inspirationlly blog..only just found you on enseignedegersaint blog, so thought I would say your giveaway…please count me in. Thank you.


  33. Megan replied:

    Congratulations! That’s a gorgeous magazine spread.


  34. Felicia replied:

    Congratulations! I’ll have to pick up that magazine.


  35. Country French Antiques replied:

    I saw your spread in the magazine.
    Too yummy!!
    You are very talented, that is plain to see.
    Best of Luck in your new ventures!


  36. Jennifer replied:

    Hello Claudia,
    After a few days off, I hopped back to catch up on your move. Glad to hear that it is rolling forward. So sad and sorry to hear about your sweet Daisy. Jen


  37. Gretchen replied:


    My deep sympathy for the loss of your beloved Daisy. I read your blog, have never commented, and was moved by your recent posts to join your well-wishers.



  38. Joy replied:

    Ohmigosh the key…fabulous! Well, love everything really :)….


  39. Terry replied:

    Congratulations on the spread – so beautiful!! And I always appreciate how willing you are to share business tips with your readers. You are an incredibly generous person, which along with your style, is a great inspiration to me!

    Thanks Claudia!!


  40. londoncalling replied:

    Looks beautiful, I’ll be sure to pick one up! Thank you for your inspiration.


  41. Christina replied:

    Oh I saw that article the other day! I loved the ckaestand on the cover, I now have a cakestand my bed table to put books on!


  42. Marcy replied:

    Saw your page in Romantic Home. Would love to antique with you in May….if I can wait that long to visit Paris!


  43. Cris replied:

    Hi, Claudia,
    Congrats again!! I’m so thrilled not just for you but for all of us that get to enjoy all the beauty you put forth!


  44. Patt McLaughlin replied:

    Your blog is always so much fun to read and your site and book an inspiration. I’m throwing my hat in the ring for your giveaway!


  45. Tracey replied:

    I looked at that magazine the other day, but being a mag-a-holic I was trying to show some restraint and put it back. I know! Crazy… I’m definitely going to go back and pick it up.

    I pulled my copy of “The Paris Apartment” off the shelf a couple of weeks ago and thought I’d see if the author had a blog. Yay! Been reading ever since…please do enter me in your giveaway!


  46. rochambeau replied:

    Congratulations Claudia! The article looks great! You go girl.


  47. Sheila Earhart replied:

    Gorgeous blog, fun girl!



  48. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    Game is over but just to say that as always your article seems to be wonderful …


  49. hazel designs replied:

    Beautiful issue!!


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