redefining the art of conversation

hi guys, happy sunday! i’m kicking back finally going through stacks of mags and mail and happy to find my article on the salon hostesses of paris in romantic homes’ april issue.


it’s a subject that just fascinates me. the idea that people would gather with no intention other than to converse. not that talking is so odd of course, but that in an era so abundant (the age of enlightenement)! with beauty, science and fine arts, society would place conversation above it all, regarding the spoken word as the highest art form, even though there was nothing recorded, in fact nothing retained at all except memories of those witness to it.


guess i wish i could have been there. i always visit the salon hostesses’ homes in paris. i never get tired of them and there seems to be another to discover around each corner.


these are some of the random shots taken in my travels. it’s incredible passing through the rooms, imagining the guests, their clothes, their wit and brilliance. wishing those walls could talk! maybe someday archaeology will include recording sound waves from walls. but i digress!


seems like we only gather face to face now if it’s for a reason. but we do have salons if we consider blogging an offshoot. and twitter is an ongoing conversation too. maybe it makes us be more thoughtful about what we say when it’s just a one liner or a bi weekly post. anyway, i’m glad we have our little corners of the world with each other. your comments are wonderful conversation, hopefully recorded for a good long time. but it’s just ether so guess that’s fleeting too! oh well lets enjoy it while we have it!

by the by romantic homes has a new forum set up to become more interactive with their readers:

also, if you want to submit an article or your creative work, the editors are dolls! here’s the contact info:

Jickie Torres

Senior Editor

Romantic Homes

265 S. Anita Dr. Suite 120

Orange, CA 92868

and if you’re fascinated by the salons too, these were some of my resources:


florine stettheimer painting

and some of my old posts about salons and writing this article. i can’t believe it took a year of working on this before it actually happened! anyway enjoy your night and hope your weekend was wonderful!

March 22, 2009. art, France, illustration, Salon Hostesses of France.


  1. Nadine Bouler replied:

    How happy I am to hear about your article. I’ve been enjoying your blog and your lovely taste and think you should be rewarded. I’m definitely going to get myself a copy asap. Cheers, Nadine Bouler


  2. Stephanie replied:

    I saw the article in my magazine and it was fantastic! Love the French issue of Romantic Homes. I hope this magazines stays around for a long time.


  3. theparisapartment replied:

    thanks for the good wishes nadine, what a sweet thing to say! and stephanie, i think this one is going to stick around. the editors are really hands on and they encourage submissions whether it’s a home, creations or an article. not to mention conversations in the forum. to me that’s a recipe for great success!


  4. maggie replied:

    you know what? i love that you brought this up ‘refining the art of conversation’ i think i have something new and fascinating to think on, and the name of a poem. :)


  5. theparisapartment replied:

    ooh that’s exciting! i can’t wait to hear more about it, please let me know when you write it!


  6. a. replied:

    I heard you were in this issue so of course I can’t find it – same thing happened last time! I have one more store to check this week.


  7. gatherings home replied:

    Congrats Claudia. I love that you’re getting printed again! You deserve it too!! I have been trying to get RH to take a look at my boutique. Maybe I’m shootin’ for the stars, but I’m a dreamer!


  8. theparisapartment replied:

    of course they’ll take a look! here’s the editor’s email:
    i’m a dreamer too, aren’t we all? it’s just doing it that makes the difference!


  9. Style and Inspiration replied:

    Congrats on your article! It looks great!


  10. Vicki replied:

    I just devoured your article as soon as I got my hands on RH. It brought back memories of my 07 Paris trip with which my friend Claudia helped me so much with. Thanks again for your help and all of your inspiration to others!!!


  11. Amy replied:

    I love the blue and red on the cover and devoured the pages….. I’m still deciding on a color for my bedroom. Blue and red? Hmm… (the husband was not overjoyed at my proposition of pink as my color choice)


  12. Linda replied:

    Lovely photos. How nice to get published in such a great magazine. Congratulations.


  13. Lucitebox replied:

    Yes! Florine Stettheimer!


  14. Isabel ~ Maison Douce replied:

    Your article is absolutely my favorite in the entire magazine!! I wanted to give you a shoutout to my friend Sofia’s blog, she makes the most incredible miniatures and she is in the process of building a palace doo size!!!! She is at You will be amazed!


  15. theparisapartment replied:

    thanks everyone for your lovely comments! isabel, i visited your friend and you’re right, i am amazed! do you speak portugese? i’d love to be able to communicate with her to find out where she sells or exhibits!


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