love is a many splendored thing


allo all, how have you been? here’s hoping your spring is in full bloom! for me it’s slowly changing from the winter of my discontent to a new era of optimism. it’s been a long time since i’ve been able to blog, in fact over a month. if not for my mom i may not even have come today. but when your mom wants you to blog, you blog. guess we end up doing what our moms tell us after all. maybe they do know best and i’d do anything for mine. so here i am, and truth is i missed you and all the ways you inspire me.

Full title: Manon Balletti Artist: Jean-Marc Nattier Date made: 1757 Source: Contact: Copyright © The National Gallery, London

first let’s go back to the past blog and announce the winners of the giveaway. i decided to give all 5 fashion plates away and if you’re on this list please send me your address at so i can get them out to you: susanne, terri, fredreika, melissa and beth. i wish i had more but i do have other wonderful things that i’ll share. in fact i’ll see what i can come up with at the end of this post and we’ll do it again! oh why wait? i have these four pretty little boxes i got last time i was in paris. the idea was to have them on my desk but they never made it and deserve to go with those who’ll use them. so each can go individually and if you’re interested, well, you know the drill…


so what’s been going on? well as you may recall i was working on a self improvement challenge for my business to turn it around over the next year. i tried blogging more frequently, making daily videos on youtube and working more diligently on office and organizational aspects. where has that gotten me? hmmmm…well, i’m still here so that’s one good thing. i’m working on a new angle for the my website so that’s been productive. and i’m collaborating with colleagues on their business and hoping to learn a few things from that which i can apply to the paris apartment. i’m traveling to their store in ashville, nc this week and will blog from there about the goings on.


so it’s been slow and steady but the reality is that there comes a point when you just can’t do everything alone. i’ve had interns and employees over the years but it always comes back to me in the end. the problems i face are self created and i have to take full responsibility. but if i’m going to keep the paris apartment going,  i want to be the joyful, playful company it’s always been, full of infinite possibilities instead of one filled with dread and drudgery which is what is was becoming. but why was that?


well, i think part of it was when i started working with vendors and lost control of my brand and vision. so what’s the vision? well, it was originally a brick and mortar store. a place that was sort of a salon, where yes, it was a shop, but also a place where friends gathered in an atmosphere of casual opulence and would converse, share stories, music, their art and just inspire each other. where had my inspiration gone?


when it became a website it was hard to translate and has ended up being a sort of patchwork of ideas and pieced together over the years by various designers and webmasters. i haven’t had control over the site except the boutique and therefore it hasn’t changed much. it’s at the point where it’s out of control. but little by little, i’ve been editing, paring it down, taking off things that aren’t consistent with the brand or are from vendors who are impossible to work with. getting back to basics, basically, to get to a point where i can enjoy my work.


so maybe this is a sort of ‘seinfeld’ post, one not about anything in particular, but one just to touch base and get back in the groove. so thanks, mom, for providing the kick i needed. you always inspire me and i just came across these liles of the valley which i know you love. have a super sunday, everyone~


all images can be found at

April 24, 2016. Boutique, Brocantes, Ephemera, Giveaway, Life, Mom.


  1. lori replied:

    I so relate to the ‘winter of my discontent’, having great ideas that either get lost or out of hand or not being able to settle into something, like blogging, in spite of wanting to. I follow The Paris Apartment on my facebook feed and always enjoy your posts. Wishing you an awesome Spring!

    Liked by 2 people

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi lori, glad to hear i’m not alone…it’s funny cause i saw something on a plane recently that was an ad for something but it started with a dramatic look into a room where all of our unwritten books, ideas, projects and dreams went unfulfilled. even if we take it one thing at a time i think that’s enough.

      Liked by 1 person

      • lori replied:

        Sounds like a great ad. :)


  2. Sabrina Brown replied:

    Claudia, I’ve been missing your posts and have been wondering how you are and what you’ve been doing. It can be so difficult changing things around, particularly when we want it on our schedule — I’m right there with you. Having been debilitatingly ill for 16 years, my changes happen at a snail’s pace. This year I decided to start writing again, with no conditions except that I just try. If I write a shopping list it’s ok. But since January I’ve written in a notebook, (in bed while I’m having breakfast) mostly everyday except the last two weeks, (a semi-crisis emerged) and it looks like I have the begginnings of a novella, (surprise, surprise!). I have no idea most days where the writing will take me, only that it will probably be fun…but sometimes it’s awful and frustrating and usually leaves me so exhausted that the rest of the day is spent in bed resting. But I’m really glad to be doing it. Even if I create nothing substantial, (an interesting story, something people would want to read) it is worthwhile, because it keeps me engaged with my inner world, and that makes me joyful. Reading your blog and reading about what you’ve created over the years and also hearing about your struggles too, is one of the things that sustains me. Your creative soul is extraordinary and I am cheering for you through the successes and the difficult times too.
    Sabrina in Port Townsend

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Sabrina, thanks so much for your beautiful note. Just knowing you thought about me makes me feel amazing. I’ll be thinking of you a lot now, hoping to read your novella soon for one thing! Also to take your courage and strength to not let anything stop me ever again. i think there’s a recurring theme emerging, one that’s about increments. Maybe it isn’t about getting it all ‘done’, it’s about enjoying the doing.


  3. Kimberle Boggs replied:

    Checking for the box giveaway.

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Mom replied:

    Loved the blog, the lilies of the valley, and mostly you! That’s my girl.

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Susan H replied:

    So glad you are back. I’ve just returned from a visit to Asheville- so many delicious things to eat there! Asheville will definitely lift your spirits. Thanks for another give away.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Oooh that’s great to hear. I’m really looking forward to exploring the town. It’s a hotel and French concept store so it will be interesting to see how it’s fitting in over there!


  6. Janice Faye Savacool replied:

    Hello Paris Apartment,
    Welcome back.

    Liked by 1 person

  7. Paris replied:

    thank you for sharing yourself claudia … it always seems to be what i need to hear … i, too, am in a transition of life, recreating, recentering…thinking about paris, the paris that used to be so much a part of me, where i lived and worked and then it was so far away…i have lots to think about and it is ok, because most of us do…your sincerity and willingness to be transparent and real are encouraging because so often we each feel ‘alone’…you’re the best…a bientot

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      HI Paris, you say it better than i can…guess that’s why we bloggers connect so well, there’s a definite yin and yang. we can figure out our transitions together and having each other is a big part of it.

      Liked by 1 person

  8. francetaste replied:

    Good for you to find a way to make changes that suit you. The photos are lovely. Good luck!

    Liked by 1 person

  9. Barnhart, Blair replied:

    What a lovely post! And a wonderful reminder to us all.

    Take care – keep blogging – you brighten our days!


    blair w. barnhart-hinkle, Esq.
    Director, Government Relations
    Cleveland Clinic
    25875 Science Park Drive
    Beachwood, OH 44122
    Office 216.448.0399
    Cell 216.312.4030

    Liked by 1 person

  10. The Lady's Life replied:

    Your new ideas and update of direction sound like just what you need to stay excited about your blog and store! Wonderful pictures! xo, N.

    Liked by 1 person

  11. kathie replied:

    Just keep swimming Claudia. You are an extremely talented and passionate about your art. You have been my mentor for a very long time. I have also taken the same journey that you started so many moons ago and I am excited and petrified at the same time. (Iam only one year into my french homeware biz). But always exhilirated to be doing what i love. There are traps all around from people that pull us this way and that. Stay true to your self and all falls into place. Our instincts always guide us. Always a pleasure to read about your travels/experiences/thoughts and adore your photos. Keep on posting (from your Aussie fan)

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Kathie,
      Aw that was a really nice thing to say. It’s interesting (and humbling) that you’d call me a mentor. Guess we really never know who and how much we may be affecting another person, even friends we’ve never met.
      I’d love to hear more about what you’re doing. You’re so right that when you do what you love it’s exhilarating and we shouldn’t settle for anything less. Onward!


  12. Lisa replied:

    I’m so happy you’re back! That was a wonderful, honest and raw post. Winter of discontent… I certainly relate. Power through. One day at a time. Don’t let anyone take your vision of your business away!
    Ps love the boxes! 💓

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Lisa, it was a tough winter but the lessons are ones that i’m finally going to learn and use to move me to the next level, Thank you for the extra push.


  13. Style Maniac replied:

    When you have been blogging as long as we have, Claudia, there are always ups and downs and moments to reconsider the path we are on. What you said in your post about the original store, though — “a place where friends gathered in an atmosphere of casual opulence ” — is how I’ve always felt about coming here, to the home you’ve created for The Paris Apartment and friends online. It’s a beautiful place to be! And the magic of being able to meet such wonderful people through this medium — such as YOU, author of one of my favorite decorating books ever — well there’s such magic in that too.

    Glad you have decided to continue in a way that brings you joy and makes you feel the magic again. xoxo — Doreen

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Doreen, you know, sometimes comments can really have an effect. I do love this medium and the wonderful souls it draws in. you made me realize this is like a modern salon where we can gather in casual opulence, the luxury of being together and being at home! Thank you for your note, it really made my night. xo


  14. Style Maniac replied:

    p.s. looks like I have finally, after numerous attempts, fixed my gravatar/wordpress login problem and am able to comment here again — yay!

    Liked by 1 person

  15. weekosite replied:

    hello, beutiful blog, nice to meet you!


  16. love is a many splendored thing – weeko replied:

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