it’s a woman’s world


bon soir cheres amis! what are you up to? it’s a change for me to be blogging at this hour (minuit)! but i have a bit on my desktop including books and magazines to review, blog about and GiVeAwaY so what better time than the present?


the first is a magazine that comes out every so often and is devoured fresh off the press. it’s the ‘where women create’ spin-off from the books.  the issue they sent me is the one below. it is so rich and full of inspiration and creativity. i could’t show more than one or two spaces because there is just so much eye candy but i’ll start with my favorite cause it reminds me of my first store and the joy that it was to really let loose in a space.


meet Jill Garber
Le Nouveaurose


i just love her over flowing, unabashed collections of linens, furniture and tiny details.


you can feel her whimsy and i see how she couldn’t help but create in this space.  she has a sweet mix of both traditional and vintage decor. it looks like a playground!


kind of the antithesis  to jill is becki. funny, but in a way you could say the exact same things about both of them; the collections, the mix, the sweetness. the inspirational workspace.


Becki Crosby
Whippy Cake

well it’s a little later than i promised to do this but we’re giving away the latest issue. if you’re interested, leave a comment and i’ll send it out choosing a random number on monday.


in the meantime i hope we all get a chance to tweak our own creative spaces. maye this weekend?


till then, have a great night and enjoy this midnight hour! bonne nuit!

January 3, 2014. Design, Giveaway.


  1. Sue replied:

    I’m continually inspired by your creativity, and so appreciate the beauty you share with us. I’ve followed you since the early years with your Paris Apartment and I think it’s true, something’s really do get better with age. This past year as time has allowed my own creativity has been unfurling and I look forward to seeing what this next year brings. To have a room of my own to inhabit and explore all my passions will be something to strive for. Books, ephemera, textiles, driftwood, shells, art and photographs will all cohabitate together. Happy New Year to you and thank you from a fan in Vancouver, BC.

    Liked by 1 person

    • Margaret Williamsen replied:

      I truly look forward to receiving your Blogs. You are an inspiration. Your photos and writings are beautiful reminders of Paris and being a woman.

      Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi sue, thank you so much for your sweet comment! it really means a lot to me and i’m glad you said hello after all this time! i bet your collection is gorgeous and it sounds like you have a beautiful space to explore your creativity!


    • Jasmine replied:

      I just opened a shop and I am looking to get it out there! All of the profits are aiding me in college and while I study and travel during that time. The shop is named Sweet Treasures (coinciding with my blog Sugar Pirate). I sell a variety of items and plan on adding about 12 new items within the next few days. Mostly, I sell kawaii/decoden items but there will be a variety. I have included a smoker’s sections for adult and will be selling lighters and ash trays. I also plan to add some flower crowns and other accessories. I hope you enjoy!

      Thank you!

      -Jasmine H.


  2. Emma Mitchell replied:

    Agh! Would love to win the giveaway. Recently moved into my first apartment and am always looking for inspiration. This looks great!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      congratulations on your move! sometimes it’s great when you first move in to have less rather than more. glad you were inspired and hope your creative juices are flowing!


  3. kat replied:

    Oh my how glad I am to check my email once more this evening! lucky me! I absolutely L O V E Where Women Create, have all the books and mags next to my princess in the pea bed! :) Happy New Year to you, lovely post as usual, Ive been editing but never and I mean never get rid of any of my fave magazines! I would just love to have this issue! thanks for adding me to the mix :) kat -^.^-


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      lucky you to have a collection of great magazines. i have some vintage house beautiful mags from the 40s and never get tired of looking through them.


  4. Jillian replied:

    Happy New Year! Adore your bright, eclectic style and blog. I am always learning something new to inspire me, even as I approach my late 50’s. Keep up the fabulous work.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi jillian, great to hear from you and love the sentiment. thank you for your kind words. i agree, inspiration is something that i seek every day and hope always will!


  5. Healthful Tidbits replied:

    I absolutely adore your blog and feel inspired each and every time I receive a post!

    Sweet and simply stated, Thank You!!!


  6. suzana rose borlovan replied:

    A true inspiration to women around the globe, keep up the great work and continue to enthuse and inspire. Suzana


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      these women are incredible and the book and the magazines are testaments to their talents. i wish i could give away one to each reader.


  7. Chandra replied:

    Fairly new to your site and blog, but deeply inspired! I’ve known since I was a little girl (42 now, but still a young girl at heart 😊) I’d end up in Europe for good one day and until that day finally comes, I find sweet pleasure reading your posts and perusing the beautiful pics. I study each picture and love the feeling I get from zooming in to see the details… I adore all things Paris!!

    Thank you for your continued works. I look forward to reading each one ❤️


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      i think 42 is pretty young personally, you’re not even 1/2 way there! i hope your dream of a life abroad comes true. till then we can enjoy the beauty that’s stateside. with these creative women our cups runneth over!


  8. Christine replied:

    Beautiful spaces both of them. Yes you’re right, similarities even in their diversity. I’d love to wander through both places! A wonderful year wish for you!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi christine, don’t you love juxtaposition? maybe it’s just using the word that’s fun :)
      happiest new year to you too!


  9. Ann Wilhelm replied:

    Love these lovely spaces that have evolved over time….would be a labor of love to make a space my own and have all the things that I have collected around me. The beauty of a room would take some time to build from the ground up, but oh!! the joy of the journey! Thanks for your post…off to the store to pick up this issue of “Where Women Create”!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      i hope you create the space you crave. surrounded by your collections and things that prompt you to make or design something all your own. even if it’s a vignette!


  10. Jenn Mattix replied:

    I have loved this publication for years. So inspiring!


  11. Valery Jayne Schweitzer replied:

    What a beautiful book this must be- love all the pictures and would love to win it!!


  12. Rita C. (Panoply) replied:

    Great giveaway from a great blog. Thanks for the opportunity and Happy New Year!


  13. Victoria Nuckols replied:

    I absolutely Love your Beautiful site,I Love Paris and my dream is to visit one day.I would love to win a copy of this gorgeous magazine to inspire me to decorate and design my own home.Thank you!!!!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi victoria, i’m so happy you stopped by, i hope you get to paris soon. the good news is it’s there whenever you’re ready and all the good stuff hardly changes over the years!


  14. Linda Drespling replied:

    J’Adore Décor!…My resolution this year is to become more inspired and take steps to elevate my work/play space!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      i have to resolve to do it too! it’s so easy to just have it as a workspace without the aesthetics. let us know if you make yours pretty!


  15. Faith Boggio replied:

    Great giveaway!! Would love to win!! I love, love, Paris and have made many trips there!


  16. Susanne replied:

    You do have one of the most inspiring blogs I’ve ever seen and one of the only ones I receive in my overflowing inbox! Your words are always uplifting, thank you!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi susanne, thank you for saying that. when i hit ‘publish’ it’s always a strange feeling cause i know it’s going into someone’s personal space. glad that you actually enjoy it!


  17. Carol L. Evas replied:

    As an Artist and Jewelry Designer and a totally creative woman for all of my 74 years and still going strong, I Love, Love the beauty and French expressionism page after page in this magazine. Thanks for featuring it on your blog. Reservations already made, I will be traveling to Paris for my 8th time this fall with my dear husband for our 30th wedding anniversary and my 75th birthday. I cannot wait!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      what a wonderful way to spend your anniversary and congratulations on your 30th as well as your 75th! paris awaits!


  18. Sally Easterly replied:

    Thank you for introducing me to “Where Women Create,” very very inspiring and cozily cluttered, a warm atmosphere on a very frigid day in the Northeast. I would love to have your generous giveaway on Monday!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi sally, glad to turn you on to a fabulous franchise. it’s one that never gets old and there is an endless amount of creativity from women all over the country. stay warm, you’re in the drawing!


  19. Christina replied:

    We always need inspiration for creative spaces; as I am entering on new phase of my life, I need to keep these little nooks ( in my mind and in my home) in mind.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      you’re right, it can be a little nook, doesn’t have to be room after room of design do dads. either in our minds or at home!


  20. Rebecca Grace replied:

    I love that magazine! I do wonder how much styling goes into their photo shoots, though. I know that when interiors are photographed for design magazines they take a lot out, move things, bring things in just for the photo shoot. I enjoy seeing these inspirational spaces in their best light, but I wish they would also show us what it looks like when the resident artist is at work in the throes of a project, capturing their creative process as well as their studio décor.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      oh you know a lot of work goes into every inch, every fold of a pattern, the details, the lighting. but they have to have the bones in the first place so even with the smoke and mirrors they’re still special spaces to behold.


  21. Peggy Braswell replied:

    thanks for the introduction to “Where Women Create”+ am a girlie girl so this is right up my alley. thank you.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      i didn’t know you were a girly girl, peggy! i bet you have a fantastic workspace. at least in my mind’s eye you do!


  22. Clare replied:

    I am new to your blog. And I love it! I enrich the hearts and minds of my little people at school all day. I feel so much better for your words and images… you feed my soul- what a treat!


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi clare and welcome! i’m glad you took a moment to say hello, your words are sweet and i’m sure you need some down time after being with the little angels all day!


  23. Lisa Palazzolo Harris replied:

    You are the only blog I actually follow! Love love love! I have always dreamed of having my own shop like you. Thanks for the continued inspiration.


  24. Mom replied:

    I know I don’t qualify, but I would love to have a copy of that magazine. I will search for one of my own. LOL


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      now mom, you don’t really qualify…but you know whatever i have is yours too so i’ll send you my copy!


  25. melissa fosberg replied:

    Oh yes pleeaase!


  26. Terri Simon replied:

    Hello! Thank you for writing your blog–the pictures are always stunning and inspirational. Eye candy, every one of them. I too, love Paris–I have been twice and can’t wait to go again someday. 2014 is a big year for me; empty nest now, retired and moving across the country to have my own little fiber art studio in Southern Oregon. I would love to see where other women create–I’ve never seen this magazine/book before (not sure of type of publication?). My little ‘studio-to-be’ could use some TLC and ideas from other creative women. I love the pics above! Thanks for the chance to win a copy, and again, for your lovely, lovely blog.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi terri, happy you’re here and thanks for the gracious words. i hope your move will be one that fuels your spirit and that you design that sapce you crave!


  27. Judy B McGowan replied:

    Count me in for a magazine which will give me new ideas and inspiration for my home. This regular reader of your blog thanks you for the chance to win!


  28. Clare replied:

    Just had to share this with you- a real Paris time capsule – locked away for 70 years since 1942 – and such beautiful colours.



    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      hi clare, it’s a fascinating story. i did a post about it awhile ago and people seem to have a lot of theories about what really went down. i wonder if we’ll ever know?


      • Clare replied:

        Maybe we should write the film….


  29. MJH Design Arts replied:

    Yes, I’m tweeking shop today. The amazing New Year has brought so many opportunities to grow and create–and I’m going for them (with a little trepidation). Thanks for the inspiration. xoxo


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      the new year has just started but i already feel like there has been a shift. hopefully we take those opportunities to grow and create with abandon!


  30. Cynthia Brickell replied:

    Such beautiful photos and dreamy inspiration. Many thanks for the eye candy.


  31. Lorraine replied:

    Where Women Create is a fabulous publication. Thank you for sharing!


  32. Suzanne replied:

    I am new to, “Where Women Create” and it looks like a periodical I would LOVE!

    Also, how could anyone not be inspired by these two ladies! I NEVER have understood, why, people choose, sterile, bland workspaces. ??? If I were not going out of town Tuesday, I would be “playing” domestic bliss, right now!

    As always, thank YOU for the inspiration! I so wish I had known about you, when you were in NYC, and had The Paris Apartment. I am baffled why I only recently, came to know you.


  33. Chichi Furniture replied:

    Happy New Year. Wow, the first space is so elaborate and full of details that you cant not feel creative – thats the joy of French style I guess, so ornate and artistic :O)


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