brand new day

hey guys! what’s up? i tried to get here yesterday to announce the winners of the book give away as promised but just got completely swamped by the beautiful beasts that have taken over my apartment/life for the past few weeks.

let’s start with the winners, the random number generator chose danielle from la vita e bella and lily of congrats! i’ll miss having these books around and am glad they’re going to good homes. i wish i had one for everyone but promise to do more promotional stuff with publishers and have more giveaways!

in the meatime, i’m overrun with stuff coming in from paris and that’s coming out of storage. i’m using chez moi to keep it all cause(we have to shoot it and liz suggested i live with it and enjoy everything while i have it), i die for every singel thing but  it’s been kind of puzzle to get around and organize.

it all has to be cataloged, weighed, measured, described etc for the big day. (hopefully i can tell you soon what’s shakin’ on that front)!

before it all trickled in liz and i were messing around with my office wall, (we have to shoot that too for this upcoming day) she wanted to a burst of color and graphics which was fun. but when everything startd pouring in it just seemed to be way too much to take.

so i started taking it all down around midnight and had a photo shoot with a new wall in the am. which meant starting  from scratch. it was a daunting working at night, not thinking i’d finish but once i got a monochromatic metallic theme it was a little easier to attack.

back to the drawing board

i used that paper from paris cause it had the  most on the roll so the background is graphic. i give my mom a lot of credit for wallpapering our house growing up.  wallpaper has a life of its own. and don’t get me started about cutting around vents and the sprinkler! i’m a thumbtacker so putting it up seemed like it’d be cake but matching the lines, oy! especially with only one shot to measure twice and cut once!

but i had an adrenaline burst and was ready for the shoot yesterday am and surprisingly happy and having fun again,

so anyway, the photographer showed me a couple tricks for playing with the depth of field  and adjusted my setting.  i let him do his thing but played around a little on my own too.

i can’t wait to get his shots

well i’m still knee deep in everything and have a lot of paperwork to turn in this afternoon so i better get to steppin’!

hope you have a weekend fantastique and a bonne journée!

March 10, 2012. Giveaway, Life.


  1. Nikon replied:

    I love your photos, Claudia – every one is a work of art!
    You have a fabulous talent & I love every one of your posts!


  2. Terie Shields replied:

    Love this post – inspiring me as I am currently fixing my home office space.


  3. Beadboard UpCountry replied:

    Hi C!
    I really loved this!!!!!!!!! Especially the legs in the bowl at the end…. Some beautiful pieces there throughout the whole post! Maryanne xo


  4. Randa replied:

    Your mail is like a refreshing note from my best friend! Love it do..thank you! Bisous*


  5. Belle Inspiration Magazine replied:

    Love the new wall Claudia. Love the candlabra alonside the gold striped hatbox. It’s always fun to unpack treasures you’ve forgotten about.
    Have fun but don’t work too hard!
    We need to touch basee too.


  6. The Paris Apartment replied:

    it’s so true, every piece has a story and being around them all is like playing dollhouse!


  7. peggy braswell replied:

    Love everything you have + you did a fabulous job on the wallpaper. Can’t wait to hear what’s shake-in…


  8. ParisienSalon replied:

    Enjoy it all … even the craziness!


  9. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    I love you wallpaper . Is it from Designers Guild ?? Don’t work too hard , can’t wait to meet you


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      i think it is as a matter of fact! i got it from sophie atlan at the marche and she has lots of their gorgeous remnants.


  10. Paris Rendez-vous replied:

    Know the midnight thing well!!!! Isn’t it amazing how the creativity starts to flow then. Fabulous result…your little Matisse drawing looks superb! A bientot.


    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      yes, especially when you get into a theme. it’s not styled at all in my shot but i have to save something for the event ;p


  11. Isabeau Chandler Grey replied:

    Hi Claudia! You did a great job! You have such a wonderful eye. So much beauty in those shots! The vignettes are swoon-worthy! I love the Picasso drawing in that gilded frame.
    Congratulations to your lucky winners!
    Have a lovely weekend
    xo isa


  12. Danielle replied:

    Yay!! Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!! You are so kind & feeling beyond excited *little jump for joy ~ this is so wonderful & I am grateful ~ two mentions on your blog in a week! Thankyou so much again, the timing is perfect..sending lots of love from Milan ~ d xoxox p.s I totally adore your updated inspiration/workspace ~ looks chic, fresh & so pretty..xo


  13. Jennelise replied:

    I love the wallpaper and the gold candelabra – so elegant! :)


  14. Rhonda replied:

    I totally love what you’ve done with your desk area wall. It is amazing.
    That last image is perfect, buried…..perfect!


  15. lelanie replied:

    Wow Claudia, it looks like you are cooking up something fantastic! I can’t wait to find out more. I love your vignettes. They are beautifully styled. Inspiring stuff. Thanks for sharing.


  16. christine95037 replied:

    can’t wait to see whazzup!!!
    green/blue zigzag pillows on the 2 chairs are from _______?

    i love all your photographs!


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