less than perfect

hi gang, hope votre vie is en rose tonight. i’m happy to say my press pass came for the maison et objet so now wielding a camera and video won’t have to be so clandestine. just hope i can refine my video skills in time so i’ve been studying techniques and tips online.

as far as some of the other projects, i took the plunge by pulling out my files and now the trick is to see it through…so i’m blogging about it, that way i’m more likely to do it.

liz and i had started putting the souvenirs in a book a few months ago just to keep them safe but the book had sat unopened and uninspired till today.

in spare moments  i started going through the business cards, contacts and clippings from past paris trips.

combining the new business cards alongside the old perfume labels et al, it sort of took on a life of its own. these pages are only the first layer  but i think combining the two in a scrapbooky way  may be the key to staying interested and focused on putting this book about my resources in paris together.

right now it’s not organized it in any way. i started putting stuff in randomly just to get the chi moving

i’ve got to bust out the ribbons, little trinkets etc. to give the pages some 3d life later. these may not be so dynamic yet but hey, you have to start somewhere, n’est pas?

i’ll be revisiting lots of these locales to make sure they’re still here and beefing up the pages.

having this chatoic format is really helping. cause it doesn’t  have to be so methodical. plus it’s fun and feels less like work. guess the inspiration board from yesterday inspired me to make smaller versions in a way.

so that’s it. instead of my usual judgements and waiting for perfection, i’m gonna flow free and see where that leads. but that will have to be à demain, tonight i’m off dreamland. see you there?

August 30, 2011. Books, Inspiration Boards, Paris. 5 comments.

a board of my own

hey guys, happy sunday. how’s your night shaping up? it was an early am at mac again. there’s so much technology around me right now that when i got the bulletin board after class, it was a relief knowing it would only involve paper, scissors and pushpins. i really had no idea how much i’d enjoy making this mood board today. putting it together with the stuff from a file box that’s been in storage for so long was a great meditation.  it was a pandora’s box of pretty things that had been stashed far too long. i could probably make a board a day. i may take the whole thing down and make another tomorrow! if you have favorite tear sheets in folders, break them out and enjoy them. it’s really therapeutic. and i think it might be good for us. i was just looking up mood quotes and found this:

Any art communicates what you’re in the mood to receive. 
Larry Rivers

so there’s that. well have a great rest of the night! if you have a mood board, let me know and i’ll link to it!

August 29, 2011. Mood Boards. 7 comments.

putting it down on paper


hi guys, my head and heart need a little distraction tonight. usually it’s florida that fights the hurricanes but tonight it’s the rest of the coast. it’s so much easier when you have to face something rather than have family and friends deal with it. i’m praying for their homes, trees, coastlines and cities and safety.


well, said distraction resulted in skimming mood and inspiration boards. i brought home a giant file box from storage today with clippings, magazines, business cards and notes from trips to paris over the years. it’s finally time to put it together in a book of favorite places and things to do.


tomorrow i’m getting a huge cork board (or two) to start laying it out. i’ve tried a million ways but this visual and tactile method (rather than scanning, having tons of notebooks or keeping it all in a file cabinet) seems to make the most sense. what am i keeping all these papers for if not to see them?


so prep is starting for the trip, i’ll be there through september so this morning went to the mac store to learn about imovie. now taking and editing videos is not such a mystery. i’m gonna try to post to my youtube channel every couple days. more on that as i practice. i’m waiting for a maison objet press pass cause without that, no footage. if you know how uptight they are at the fleas, imagine the show!



as far as the trip goes, i’m going to mostly write and focus. i’ll be covering the maison for lonny magazine’s blog so taking good pics and turning in comprehensive and valuable work is priority.

anothermag.com paul smith

so is really understanding my camera. lots of learning curves.

marchesa via vainandvapid.blogspot.com

i wish i was really great at something technical!


well, these boards kind of helped me meditate on what i need to do and hope they gave you a little kick too. do you keep one (or a few) for inspiration?


Marie Antoinette


it really doesn’t matter how small the sentiment, you just have to start somewhere.


by the by, i had the pleasure to spend another day with renee and was surprised and thrilled when joni webb  of cote de texas walked in the showroom! you may know her fabulous blog and spirited discussions on all things decor.

as blog acquaintances we had lots of preconceived notions about each other but felt like old friends once we hugged. she’s one of those people you feel like you’ve known forever. hope i do!

ok, all well, happy saturday, bonne nuit and prayers for our peoples!

August 28, 2011. Inspiration Boards, Mood Boards. 8 comments.

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