be it ever so humble

solar rainbow by

hi everyone, i just had to stop by to share my relief and tattered but i guess re-newable joie de vivre now that the oil has been capped in the gulf. truth is i could barely think of anything else and i’m sure it was the same for you. i pray we find a fresh perspective as a society and see ourselves as one world. water belongs to all of us and should be protected at all costs and never jeopardized again by any country.

jersey shore 2010

to whom it may concern: thank you for the simple pleasures of everyday life and the home we share on mother earth. please  give us the wisdom to understand its delicate balance and treat her with reverence and respect. mostly thanks for a second chance.

i won’t be wasting too many days from now on!

happy weekend, xc

July 16, 2010. Living, the world.


  1. Karena replied:

    What a fabulous photo! I could use this as sn imspiration for a Painting!Have a great weekend!

    Art by Karena


  2. liza replied:

    Yes, me too. It’s been at the back of my mind all the time. I’m keeping fingers crossed, praying, whatever, that the cap stays.


  3. jisabird replied:

    I made my husband promise that we would make a special effort to get down to the Gulf coast before year end to spend some of our tourist dollars supporting that region. I traveled through the gulf states in my childhood. I want my children to be able to enjoy that area of our country as I did.

    Keeping fingers crossed that things hold together.
    Have a good weekend.


  4. A Gift Wrapped Life replied:

    Well and beautifully said Claudia………….when everyone understands it is one world and countries aren’t owned by any of us, it will be the perfect world, won’t it?


  5. Jane Guidone replied:

    Living on the Gulf Coast, I feel the same.

    Our beaches in Naples are still beautiful!
    A wonderful place to be.

    Flora Doora


  6. Sarah @ Maison Boheme replied:

    Thanks for your post… the spill has weighed heavily on my mind and the fact that it has finally been capped allows for a little more space and breath. Still so much to be done, though.


  7. Beadboard UpCountry replied:

    We were watching this with every ounce of our being….. So many friends in La and Nola they have been through HELL> We pray that it holds and that all the lessons learned in this will be taken very seriously and implemented by other oil companies …..Thanks for bring this up……..
    And congratulations on your app. I bought it!Maryanne xo


  8. pamela replied:

    This tragedy has been an ever present weight on my shoulders for weeks. I, too, am incredibly relieved that it has apparently been capped. I do so worry about the damage done. And I hope and pray this will spur the “powers that be” to stop politicizing this mess and work together for alternative methods of fuel. We could put so many people to work, and help the planet in such meaningful ways.


  9. Shann replied:

    Beautifully said Claudia- we all need to live in the moment and constantly protect and appreciate what Mother Earth has given us :) Let’s pray that THIS well cap shuts down the gushing oil forever.


  10. jennifer replied:

    this is a beautiful sentiment! I second your intention :)


  11. The Urban Bride replied:

    Oh so well said!


  12. elaine Power replied:

    Hope the beaches clean up for you & this disaster never happens again, that rainbow is fantastic!! :))


  13. Emily replied:

    Love the solar rainbow photo. I wish the best for those of you effected my the this horrendous spill. My family also lives on the gulf coast. It has effected so many from mother nature, the animals, plants and people.


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