groovin on a sunday afternoon


good morning and happy sunday! how’s your weekend going? i hope things are going well in your world. i’m heading to the flea market to try out my new camera. it’s a lot getting used to all the controls, let alone the exposures, f-stops, focal lengths, aperture, shutter speed and all the things my other cameras didn’t  have.  (at least not on auto  :) anyway it’s time for a real camera and i’m excited to play with it. i’ll take some shots around the house once i get the settings down.


these were trials. this week i’ll be shooting things that are up for sale, vignettes to show how we’re using them in real life. we’re now selling on lots of portals (besides the paris apartment’s boutique) the buttons and links are to the right on the blog side bar. have you been to hunter’s alley? it’s one king’s lane’s sister site and they put together the best features on the web so you can sell, pin, like, favorite, share etc. it’s a lot of fun! next is etsy and of course one king’s lane itself. we have a tastemaker tag sale coming up in the spring, so more about that soon. in the meantime, check out what we’ve been up to!


last but not least, it’s time to announce the winner of last week’s giveaway  for the original book, The Paris Apartment. drumroll…#26, Bridget Boyle. congratulations!  i wish i had more copies to give away. a new one is coming soon so we’ll just have to do it again. thank you for all your sweet comments, they mean a lot to me!


last but not least, i’ve been meaning to get this next giveaway going for quite awhile. the author, jan dolphin, was kind enough to send two editions of her compilation of books called ‘Paris from the Heart’.  they’re lovely paperbacks with great color photos and info on walking tours, day trips and escapades around paris. if you’re interested, leave a comment and we’ll draw TWO winners this week.


IMG_5591 IMG_5594 IMG_5595

well it’s sunny so i better get out there. have a great rest of the weekend, today is just getting started and they days seem to fly by! have fun!

February 16, 2014. Giveaway, Photography. 55 comments.

the only good thing about winter


wait, is there anything good about winter? oh yes, right…shots of paris all wrapped up in sleet and snow! bonjour dear friends. it’s even cold here in miami so i thought we could share some gorgeous pictures of our favorite city when she’s chilly and imagine the roaring fires, the scents wafting through the apartments and the happiness it is to arrive home after trudging through a long day!


sorry i’m a day late for yesterday’s giveaway but joseph convinced me to play hooky and since my new motto is why postpone joy? i was obligated to take a mini road trip and enjoy the day.


(not sure what the credit is for this one, it looks super old and is one of my eternal faves)

8dc209414be7bb4c9524f8daf65ccf0d (if you love wintery paris photos check out this site)

everything else took a back seat.


Robert Doisneau-La tour Eiffel sous la neige, Paris, 1960s

new note to self: don’t set dates and deadlines and then there’s no pressure!



anyway we’ll do both giveaways right now! the first will be for the magazine. and the random number generator is…#17!


congratulations, janice and i’ll contact you directly for your email. i hope you enjoy it. next is the wordbirds book via random number generator the winner is…


#2, that’s margaret! again congrats and will get the addy from you offline!

so it’s the start of a fresh new week and our giveaway today comes from the girl’s guide to paris who is offering a 3 month subscription to their online magazine! it’s a beautiful publication and is full of great stories and ideas. you can get a sneak peek here:

to win the subscription just enter a note in the comments and we’ll draw the winner on monday. (yes i’m going to make this deadline)! till then stay warm and bonne nuit!

January 8, 2014. Giveaway, Paris. 59 comments.

it’s a woman’s world


bon soir cheres amis! what are you up to? it’s a change for me to be blogging at this hour (minuit)! but i have a bit on my desktop including books and magazines to review, blog about and GiVeAwaY so what better time than the present?


the first is a magazine that comes out every so often and is devoured fresh off the press. it’s the ‘where women create’ spin-off from the books.  the issue they sent me is the one below. it is so rich and full of inspiration and creativity. i could’t show more than one or two spaces because there is just so much eye candy but i’ll start with my favorite cause it reminds me of my first store and the joy that it was to really let loose in a space.


meet Jill Garber
Le Nouveaurose


i just love her over flowing, unabashed collections of linens, furniture and tiny details.


you can feel her whimsy and i see how she couldn’t help but create in this space.  she has a sweet mix of both traditional and vintage decor. it looks like a playground!


kind of the antithesis  to jill is becki. funny, but in a way you could say the exact same things about both of them; the collections, the mix, the sweetness. the inspirational workspace.


Becki Crosby
Whippy Cake

well it’s a little later than i promised to do this but we’re giving away the latest issue. if you’re interested, leave a comment and i’ll send it out choosing a random number on monday.


in the meantime i hope we all get a chance to tweak our own creative spaces. maye this weekend?


till then, have a great night and enjoy this midnight hour! bonne nuit!

January 3, 2014. Design, Giveaway. 65 comments.

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