the spirit of it

bonjour toute le monde! i’m just popping in to say hey and share some sparkly and inspiring shots i’ve been saving. truth is once the flood gates opened  i started hoarding holiday images on my desktop. i’m staging an intervention to take a break in the day and post them.  i’m still in florida where you can’t tell what season it is so i hope you enjoy these moments of cheer.

i love the shot above, one cause of the contrast and also cause it looks like she’s carrying a live evergreen. it got me thinking so i checked out ‘renting live trees’ on google. if you haven’t gotten yours yet, check this out. wikipedia says 30 million trees are cut each year. but you can actually rent one, have it delivered and picked up!

The same rental tree can go back to the same customers for five to six years.

here’s one of many:

carla’s images come right to my inbox and this wintry scene had me longing for snow and the bliss of winter’s silence in the middle of a city. if you haven’t been to carla’s blog, head over for a giveaway of her fabulous book, paris tango.

truthfully i’m still in florida mode, getting my jollies  from other people’s holiday inspiration.

photo by samantha smith

good thing i don’t have to decorate cause i’m more like the above than below.

all my great ribbon is in the city do i’ll bust that out and get to work. this year i’m just using bows and tags, no paper or tape.

christmas mouse

well ok well now i’ve officially entered the holiday zone with a love of all the schmaltz that goes with it.  off to make some lists. sweet sugarplum dreams~

December 14, 2010. Holidays.


  1. Cindy at Rosehaven Cottage replied:

    Rent a tree!!!! I had no idea there was such a things but it makes perfect sense. Cutting a tree makes me feel horrible (so I don’t) and fake trees are so… fake. And your wonderful montage of holiday photos from others has me feeling a bit Christmasy myself now. Thanks!


    • theparisapartment replied:

      me neither! apparently it’s not new, either. anyway i’m glad you’re feeling it now too!


  2. Splendid Sass replied:

    Haha, love the little mouse! Such beautiful images, friend. Thank you for sharing. You will get into the spirit once you hit the freezing air.
    Have a wonderful and safe trip.


  3. Kay Ellen replied:

    Ahhh thanks for the shout out sweet friend:)) I hope you have a magical week!!

    Kay Ellen


  4. Acquired Objects replied:

    I know that the trees we cut for the holiday are pplanted for this very purpose but I love the rental idea!


  5. Beadboard UpCountry replied:

    Hi Claudia!!!!!
    So busy, these days……..I have turned into Maryanne Scrooge Wrapping and wrapping….and Peter is now Robes Cratchit…. How are you?????? I love the gorgeous picture of the snow.Always a pleasure. Back to work …xo maryanne


  6. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    Love this time of the year. I wish you a merry christmas, chère amie


  7. Virginia Smith replied:

    aaaaagh! I have been waiting for you to discover a photograph by my daughter (cuz’ she is so your style) and when one shows up, it’s credited to someone else! Samantha Smith took the girl in the wheelbarrow with twinkly lights photograph and you can see the original along with her other work from her 365 project on flickr…
    I know you endeavor to credit the photos you use, I am sad that romanticpreposterous does not.


  8. theparisapartment replied:

    hi virgina, thank you so much for letting me know! your daughter is a wonderful photographer, i’m thrilled to have found her but would have loved hearing about her from you too! as for the credit, i changed it. in fact i’m off to check out her flickr photos right now!


  9. Virginia Smith replied:

    Claudia, you are the best! I hate to be the pushy stage mother but I am really proud of her work. She is now working on a website and I will let you know when it is finished!


  10. theparisapartment replied:

    please do! and pushy is good sometimes :)


  11. Electrician Elwood replied:

    I was fascinated by seeing the tiny beautiful Eiffel tower with chains around it……


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