days of wine and roses


good morning guys! how is everything going now that spring has sprung? it’s been early to bed and early to rise around here which has left little time for blogging and well, taking time to smell the roses.


candy girl is almost as obsessed with tpa as i am and we have finally come to a place where we can sit back and regroup instead of put out fires all day.


in celebration of having a moment of free time, i wanted to stop by and send some pretty flowers your way. maybe i’ll even pick some up for the apartment today and practice what i preach about having a bouquet around no matter how small. i’m sure i’d be obsessed with snapping a good shot of them if they were as delicious as these!     well, have a beautiful day and if you have real flowers in your life i hope you get a minute to  stop and enjoy them whether you shoot or smell them!

April 11, 2013. Tags: , , . Flowers, Life. 22 comments.