same stuff different day

hey guys, happy sunday!  we spent it with a lovely guest and hit the markets to give her the lay of the land. she asked me if it ever seemed the same each week.  i had to say no even though it really IS the same things over and over in a way. i but t never ceases  to fulfill the promise of something wonderful around every corner. i didn’t get a chance to take a lot of shots today but we were really focused.

i did pick up something for myself in a pile of books out back at clignancourt. it’s an old version of letters written from a  mother to her daughter that chronicled an era in paris in a way that was both literary and a sort of diary.

anyway i always wanted to know more about madame her since she lived in one of the most fabulous places in the city, hotel carnavalet.

and i couldn’t resist a 200 year old book…

sadly carnavalet is closed on mondays and we did vow to do something cultural.  maybe the musee des arts decortaif or the boheme show at the grand palais.

but if you know me,  ask monument vs market  and i’ll always choose the latter. turns out clignancourt is having another one of it’s famous fetes all weekend.

these old pics are from the program. crazy to think how many times this stuff really does go round and round!

i’m supposed to spend the next couple days writing about the markets for my book while i’m here. i realize now that you have to be obsessed with your subject to write about it.

and thankfully i am! tomorrow i’ll head back for one last day of fleaing till spring. ok well i’m off to bed. have a great night!

October 21, 2012. Carnavalet, Marché aux Puces, Mme Sevigne, Museums, Paris, Paris Flea Markets, Vanves Flea Market, Vernaison Market. 7 comments.

she can be yours

Portrait of Marie Antoinette by Francois Drouet

geez, do we romanticize her or what? checking emails today i came across this auction for some of marie antoinette’s things. i’d have thought stuff like this would only be found in a museum but turns out we can buy it too. if we really wanted it…


anyway, i have about 2 secs on my friend’s laptop right now cause mine is still down from a virus i was sucker enough to download masquerading as Window’s own protection. so beware! so i’m rendered a bit out of commish at the moment, now i’m fleeting! au revoir!

October 11, 2008. Antique Shopping, art, Marie Antoinette, Museums, Paris. 11 comments.

paradise found


hi all! i have only a sec before i’ve got to get going but just wanted to send some love and pretty pics. my landlord is taking his sweet time with the apt reno considering he went to M.I.T. well hopefully he’s just being a perfectionist ;p

the above pic is from Art Basel last month. i’ve never been to this world wide art exhibit but i never want to miss it again from everything i’ve heard and seen.


on my to do list: vizcaya


and this lucite dining set is on exhibit next door at the bass museum. can’t wait to go tomorrow. wait, there’s another fleamarket tomorrow on lincoln road! ok, monday!

daisy and i are staying with our best friends while the apartment gets finished. the fridge is so full of good stuff. fresh coconuts are the cherries on top!


our aforementioned friend, who shall remain nameless, wants help with her room.

so put it on the to do list (#1, move the bed, #2 upholster the headboard)!


a chance meeting with this gallery owner and now we’re talking about using my lucite benches as art. or, well, the upholstery would be the art. interesting concept, can’t wait!

in the meantime, i’m interviewing kimberly from hip, tranquil chick tomorrow evening for her podcast anything you want me to ask her?

finally, i was so excited to speak to the fabulous fifi today and will have the pleasure of a rendezvous with her on tuesday. ok, daisy’s a calling!


January 13, 2008. art, Decorating, Miami, Museums, Travel. 7 comments.

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