nice is nice


hi gang, good morning! it’s actually getting close to noon. it’s turning into one of those days that goes by in a flash. the other day i told you i had some good news and can finally share it. i’m heading to Nice in a couple weeks to help decorate an apartment!


seems like every year since i can remember i’ve wanted to go to the south of france and explore the markets. it’s been ages since i’ve been there, once as a kid with my family and then again after college working on some ancient building restorations. but that was before i fell for the fleas and know nothing about them there!


we’ll have a van and a gps as well as our list which is everything from furniture and rugs to lights and accessories. we’re going to do the whole place start to finish in a week so being prepared is the first step.


of course google is the first place to search and i did get lost in what is obviously a magical region.

nice-market cours-saleya

first checking out the major markets, working on the schedule and to do list.

lots of times towns have vide greniers and you never know what will turn up.  researching that is its own project:

i can’t resist the old shots, this one is a flower market in nice. so easy to get distracted!


to make sure we hit every nook and cranny  i’m calling in my local expert gurus for advice. first is  vicki archer of french essence who lives in provence and is an incredible wealth of knowledge. she’s renovated her home in provence and i bet knows just where the secrets stashes are!


next will be to check in with melanie aussandon who’s in marseille and has been a blog bud for years. she works with her family in their shop restoring pieces and upholstering them. her favorite pastime is shopping the brocantes.

tongue in cheek

and last but definitely not least is corey amaro, one of my favorite photographers.  her esteemed opinion on the local markets and brocantes will be the cherry on top. each of these ladies is brilliant in her own right and i can’t wait to hear their words of wisdom and learn from them! if you have any tricks up your sleeve i’d love to hear your pearls too! i’ll have share mine along the way.

well, i’m going to have to sign off and will upload shots of the apartment and what’s been planned so far. my client has exquisite taste and wants to decorate with french silhouettes, meaning take the great shapes of french furniture but skip the curls and fancy stuff. so, more soon, my insatiable inbox awaits. have a fabulous friday!

June 1, 2012. Côte d'Azur, France, Nice. 25 comments.

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