all the world’s a stage

foyer de la danse

allo toute le monde. i’ve had this post up and ready to go for a couple of days but never got to hit ‘publish’. i kept falling asleep and then jumping right to work in the mornings. but it’s sunday and i’m back on the grid and getting ready for a long trip starting tomorrow. i’ll be in asheville, nc at Desirant for a couple of days then it’s off to ny and nj to see my guy and family for graduations and dad’s day.

inauguration salle

anyhoo, i’m keeping up with the bookmarks and this was a random selection from the other day: not sure why i saved it then (like 4 years ago) but loved stumbling across it now.

Travaux 01

it never ceases to amaze me how paris (and so many other places) were created out of thin air, with just an idea, paper and quill…coupe transversale

or pencil…no cranes or computers, just men devoted to a cause.

Opera vers 1889

it’s truly worthy of awe and wonder. i love these folks just stolling by, taking it for granted over a 100 years ago

coupe de l Opera

but it’s exquisite, the depth, precision and dreams that went into its creation. and who built it? they’re long forgotten…

Opera - grand escalier vers 1900 matinee gratuite 1899

the thousands who’ve climbed the stairs over the centuries are very fortunate to experience a piece of history.

Opera 01

it was probably  a real marvel at the time. i bet parisians were very proud of it.

opera annes 50

now it sits majestically as part of the landscape.

Opera annees 70

even in modern times is still grand and mysterious as ever. i ask you, could this be built today? quel feat! have a wonderful sunday~

June 12, 2016. Tags: , , . Architectural Elements, Architecture, Opera, Paris.


  1. Logan Wilhelm replied:

    It is magnificent, so enjoyed the various prints and pictures of times past and how it is today! Your posts always take me to Paris and make me want to go again….some day! Enjoy your time in NC and then in NY and NJ!!


    Logan Wilhelm

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Logan, Thanks! There’s such an infinite wealth of information about our beloved city, why wouldn’t we take these little trips as often as possible>


  2. francetaste replied:

    It would look very different today. Maybe like the Bastille–part of the “Grands Travaux.”
    I love seeing the old photos!

    Liked by 1 person

  3. The Paris Apartment replied:

    It’s pretty much exactly the same!


  4. quilling card replied:

    wow good


  5. Flora Fuji replied:

    Your posts always take me to Paris and make me want to go again…


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