it’s a start

hi all, thank you so much for your ideas and suggestions yesterday!  i’m sure if i didn’t blog that door would have stayed white as rice till i moved out. but i came across this shot of a dorothy draper room just as i was closing down last night and decided to use it as inspiration for painting the door.

and they reminded me of the doors we had at the AD show that i secretly hoped wouldn’t sell. so with the simplicity of gold as the catalyst, i went to michael’s and splurged on the tools of the trade. the giant variety pack of brushes was just $5 and the paint was $2. tape must have been $6.  i was on a strict budget so this was a way to satiate this apparent creative urge but not go crazy.

once i really looked at the doors and the detail there were more options than i realized.  and as someone who loves trim in multiple colors there are a lot of potential combos.

i’m considering painting the thin outer edge frame. maybe black? but not today. today was just the gold. and blue if you count the tape! it’s  been handy visually cause some of the other options got blocked out.  i may even keep it up.   ;p

inside, outside, double lines, single inset, panel or frame?

decisions are tough! but phew, i committed and got through it  :)

well that leaves space for colors but what and where?  i’m open to suggestions and love your ideas.

next project is the wall. below is the chair at the AD show with gracie wallpaper behind it.  maybe something like that? i Or just silvery metallic out of a can? i could probably paint branches and leaves. a bird? that’s asking a lot but then again if i can tape out a door, sky’s the limit!

well, that’s about it for tonight. it was a long, good day, chock full of much of a muchness so  i’m off to retire. bonne nuit mes cheres cheries!!

August 9, 2011. Decorating, Miami, Painting, Projects.


  1. Lily replied:

    That looks great !! I love the gold. And love the idea of wallpaper or just a plain metallic wall behind the chair !



  2. Shelly Gregory replied:

    I absolutely cannot wait to see this to the finish! You had me at the gold accent! It’s amazing how just a little does a lot! Sometimes that “little” is just enough, and sometimes it inspires the rest of the project! Either way, I love what you did so far!


  3. Splendid Sass replied:

    I can’t wait to see the finished project. Love what you are doing, Claudia.


  4. Rosalie replied:

    Intrigueing. How do you make the happen…the thinking I mean? Guess I’ll watch you for awhile and see what happens. It is difficult for me to see the potential in things like you do.


  5. Belle Maison Et Moi replied:

    I love it already, even with the blue tape! So excited to see how it looks when it’s finished. Feeling inspired to try this on one our old paneled doors sometime soon.



  6. Tamra/The Gilded Barn replied:

    I would do the center of the panels in a gold damask maybey even one with birds. Ooh la la! Cutting Edge Stencils has a beautiful stencil with a french feel, birds and all.

    Love the panels!


  7. Liverpool apartments replied:

    i am loving it..hope i can visit there soon.


  8. Karena replied:

    I might leave it at the gold accent and do something really special on the wall behind the chair! Wow! Gorgeous!


    Art by Karena


  9. Rosa replied:

    It’s looking great! Can’t wait to see it without the tape and see what happens next!


  10. beverley christenson replied:

    Dear Claudia, door looks great picking up the blue in the wall light and the gold is stunning. I love it as is buuuut you will do something even better as usual Love B everley xxx


  11. Rebecca Grace replied:

    Just found you via your flea market app (LOVE!). I’m looking forward to checking out les marchés des puces with your guide in hand when I’m there for M&O in a few weeks.

    Your doors are looking great, and I share your love of the Gracie wallpapers. You mentioned you thought you could paint the tree branches yourself, but not the birds — why not look for some vintage French oiseaux illustrations while you’re in Paris, then cut them out and découpage them to the walls over your silvery paint finish and hand painted trees?


  12. The Paris Apartment replied:

    Brilliant! I love it!
    When will you be in Paris?


  13. nuha replied:

    you are SO a girl after my own heart!! where is that wall paper from?! i must have it!


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