fragments in time

hi guys, how are you this april evening? hope your monday was un-remarkable or totally fabulous. it’s already 11pm and i don’t know where the days go!

just now i was searching through journalfest and came across pam garrison’s blog. tonight she talked about her pages and how to keep on working on them even if you don’t like them, that the important thing is just doing them. her post from  yesterday intrigued me too cause she’s making an art piece for an auction for japan (above)  and she’s going to pair the flag with some of her embroidery.

i’ve been an admirer for a long time but saw a lot more of her artistic sides and fell in love with her sweet designs in every genre.

this is one very talented artist, the more i dug in the more layers were uncovered. if i’ve ever recommended a link to you, forget them all and go to the one above. her book-making is LeGeNd and this video is a quick walk through her world.

painter, sketch artist, seamstress, etsy proprietress! pam, you are my idol tonight!  your gift to japan is mighty mighty. i hope to offer something too besides just donation. thanks for the push and the insights into your artist mind.

bonne nuit tous!

April 5, 2011. Tags: . Artists, Blogroll, Pam Garrison, postaday2011, Projects.


  1. chatelaine replied:

    I absolutely love the embroidery and a great idea to raise money for Japan.

    Those journals are fantastic as well.

    I am off to check out Pam’s blog.


  2. lily replied:

    What beautiful art. Those books are stunning and how sweet of her.



  3. Paula replied:

    What gorgeous work!


  4. clare replied:

    How utterly delightful, thank you for sharing a glimpse into Pam G’s world!! I will follow the links once I am done drooling over your blog. :)


  5. Christina replied:

    how beautiful the embroidery is! Thanks for sharing all this! Especially inspired by those lovely sketch books!


  6. rochambeau replied:

    Dear Claudia,
    Thank you for sharing Pam and her work. She seems such a beautiful person.

    Talking of nice one’s. It’s almost your birthday~
    So here is a BiG HapPy BirThDay WiSh for you:

    May ALL of your dreams come true this year!
    May your heart remain open~
    I’m glad you were born!



  7. OtterMei replied:

    This is wonderful! I love the designs and the books especially. I tried my hand at old-fashioned book-binding once upon a time. Couldn’t keep it up (it’s rather tedious), but I enjoyed the hands-on aspect of it. And these are lovely.

    And it’s lovely to see artists getting involved for good causes. Japan still needs us, no matter if they are in the forefront of the news anymore or not. There are still suffering people there.

    Thanks for sharing!


  8. Bonnie replied:

    Watching Pamela’s video now.. that is one cool book, now I wanna make one too. I LOVE the music on the video too! Thanks for sharing her creative world with us. :)


  9. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    What a fantastic and human artist . Thank you fo sharing her world


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