because he was the man

I didn’t want the day to go without saying goodbye to the ultimate gentleman. we all know the incredible contribution Paul Newman made to the world through his humanitarian efforts. i think we also loved him because he was just such a great guy, who thrived on loyalty and love.

for more beautiful pics visit

goodbye you beautiful angel!

September 28, 2008. Celebs.


  1. corine replied:

    Your pictures game me the shivers. He truly was wonderful.


  2. Dawn replied:

    The wonderful thing about Paul Newman was…he was not only beautiful on the outside but he was beautiful on the inside…truly caring for his wife, family and others ~


  3. gukamaoo replied:

    My cute one,
    I am miss doris,i reached ur profile and i love it, i want to seek ur hand in a relationships.
    pls get me direct to this E-id
    Remain Bless From Miss doris


  4. judith replied:

    Bonjour !
    Yes, good by to You Paul, you did something great and nice, because YOU were nice and great.
    Thank you for this very special blog and thank you for
    your tempe jadise pictures !
    I am here every day, and asking in my mind “how are you today? and what is the surprize you gonna write today?”
    Keep going, congratulations and respect


  5. Joy replied:

    He really was the ultimate gentleman. A class act in a business that isn’t always so classy. He shall be missed…


  6. Belowen replied:

    What a beautiful, beautiful man. And worthy of a blog post, definitely. RIP Mr Newman


  7. byABPryor replied:

    Great tribute!


  8. Kelli replied:

    What a handsome, wholesome, classy man! Thank you for posting a tribute.. he will be missed.


  9. Visual Vamp replied:

    Well said for all of us! Merci!
    And thank you for finding these very special photos and sharing them.


  10. Laura Ingalls Gunn replied:

    I shed a little tear when I learned of this man’s passing. Although he will live on through film, more importantly the differences he made through his charitable organizations made the world a better place to live in for many.

    Thank you Mr. Newman.


  11. c.enns replied:

    Damn, he was fantastic!!


  12. Maureen replied:

    I remember many years ago that he was asked in an interview if he was ever tempted to stray from his marriage and he replied, “why go out for hamburger when I have a steak at home?”. God Bless Him! I wish more men were like him……..


  13. Miss B. replied:

    Beautiful pic choices (but of course..)


  14. Pat replied:

    This man was truly great. He gave to everyone with is movies and to some that needed his help. Everything came from Pauls heart. He was loved by so many and will be sorely missed by all of us. May God keep his hand on his family and friends and give them courage to go on.


  15. Carolina Eclectic replied:

    He really was so amazing, and those amazing blue eyes always made me swoon.


  16. Jillian replied:

    What a wonderful tribute and so well said, it brought tears to my eyes (again!). He truly was a beautiful angel. He was a class act and a model human being, and he truly did thrive on loyalty and love. It broke my heart to hear that he is gone. But really, he’s moved on to the next life. I get a feeling he was one of the highly evolved souls. He taught many people so much.


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