almost like the real thing

good morning everyone! it’s bright and early, super quiet here and the perfect time to stop by before it gets crazy busy. here’s wishing you a happy monday and to start the week off fresh,  a quick pic. when will computers have that darn scratch and sniff technology? oh well till then we’ll have tap into our imagination/memory banks.  i hope we all can at least can stop for a sec to get a get nice deep breath and feel the soft petals too! ok i’m off, have a beautiful day!

May 14, 2012. Living.


  1. carams replied:

    Such a gorgeous flower! I’ve spent my morning seeking out songs with the words ‘it’s a beautiful day’ and looking at photos of little fishing villages by the sea. If feels like it is going to be a lovely one. xo


  2. Jan Dolphin replied:

    Scratch and Sniff on computers is perfect – you are brilliant!


  3. Shelly Gregory replied:

    Yours is the second post today of beautiful peonies!! Have a lovely day!


  4. Ivy Clad replied:

    So beautiful! I hope your week is wonderful!


  5. Priscilla replied:

    So often have I wished for smel-o-vision!


  6. Peggy Braswell replied:

    such a wonderful way to start a divine week.


  7. Paris Rendez-vous replied:

    Peonies… of my favourites….thanks Claudia.


  8. Style Maniac replied:

    That pic is so vivid I can almost smell it!


  9. Nikon replied:

    Beautiful photo, Claudia. Whoever comes up with a scratch and sniff app will make a fortune!
    I hope that all is well with you and that you have a great day!


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