now is the winter of contentment


hi everyone! just got back from a glorious morning run. it’s the first time i’m out of nyc for the christmas season.

quel difference!

here in miami you’d never know it’s a holiday season at all and that’s and that’s hard to get used to, but i think i’ll adjust. everyday is the same here, but that’s ok cause its pure perfection!


i just came across a little cheer to get me in the mood!

and now this…who knew?


hey guys, i just got a call from a woman who works with a bunch of different networks and was asking about show ideas. i have a ton, do you? they want shows for makeovers, style, adventure and women’s interests. i of course love the makeover idea but in real time, guerilla style. if you have an idea and want to pitch it, i’ll put you in touch!

December 10, 2008. Decorating, Florida, Friends, Holidays.


  1. Vicki Archer replied:

    Sounds gorgeous and perfect. Although I love the cold at Christmas time, it makes me feel festive, but maybe that is because I spent so many years in Sydney which has a climate similar to Florida and a very relaxed holiday spirit.


  2. theparisapartment replied:

    Hey Vicki!
    I’m surprised to hear that about Sydney. Sounds like my kind of town :)
    Maybe since this is the first time, I’m getting way into it. But alas, I just booked my ticket back to cold NY so my little fantasy is about to come to a crashing halt!


  3. visual vamp replied:

    Oooo Christmas is a subtropical climate!
    Now come to New Orleans and get some more!
    xo xo xo


  4. Fairfax replied:

    Here in Baltimore, it’s almost 70! It never got above 30 on Monday. I’d like a little more seasonal temps.


  5. petunia replied:

    Having spent all my years up until 25 in cold winter weather, SoCal never feels like Christmas to me. I always feel a little disappointed Christmas morning when it just feels like another day. And this year we have had hot, not warm but hot, weather right into the end of Novemeber. I need some weather! Rain would be a blessing.


  6. Gina @ Six in the Country replied:

    How about real makeovers with stuff that we all have, not something we have to go buy to redo. Those HGTV shows seem impossible to duplicate!


  7. theparisapartment replied:

    Right! Great idea and economical too! Can we have a small budget, ya know, for flowers?


  8. Judith replied:

    HI Claudia! Winters in Florida! Fun!!! Over here in California it is nice and toasty too. I love the photo of the upside down Christmas tree, my mother in law has one. I think it’s so cute!
    Happy, happy, holidays!!!


  9. SHERRA replied:

    Hi! Love your blog so much I just started my own too! Have a few ideas to pitch re:tv shows and wondered if I could get the info! Thank you!


  10. A home far away replied:

    Ohh these photos are just beautiful in different ways:-
    I recognised the sign “God Jul”…

    Have a great weekend
    Hugs Gunilla in hot hot Singapore:-


  11. Joy replied:

    Yeah, the upside-down Christmas tree, I never ‘got’ it. So cool about the call from the network girl! When they give you a show, I’ll be a fan for life. :)

    I’ve got a show idea, take a freezing cold Canadian girl and let her wander the Carribean for the next three months. Think it’ll fly?….


  12. shelbi replied:

    This is our first Christmas living near the ocean, so different is the climate that I have yet to feel it’s Christmas at all…but I LOVE it all the same! and now i am so inspired to take my morning run!


  13. Lula replied:

    I’ve been following your blog for a bit, and I love your taste and style: lucite, 20’s, 30’s, glamour, Paris flea markets, antiques….all so fabulous.
    As far as t.v. show ideas, I have a bunch as well. My brother and I have done a few interiors in new and fun ways (he used to be a set designer), and we have been talking about the lack of good design shows; they all kinda look the same, and they all run off and buy expensive new stuff and arrange it. Not much creativity involved.


  14. theparisapartment replied:

    i hope we do see a new bunch of shows, you’re right, they are all sort of similar. as for the tree, i’ve never seen that before, where have i been? guess it makes sense if you have a bad kitten…glad you got that run in shelbi, i’m lazy today!


  15. tig replied:

    Love the image of the little green wreath. Glad to hear you’re getting some sun :)


  16. theparisapartment replied:

    thanks tig! hope you’re getting some rays here and there too!


  17. Melissa Lewis - Off The Wall replied:

    Wow, from NYC to Miami at Christmas time, what a difference indeed. I would love to experience NY at Christmas, magical I’m sure.

    Love the boxwood wreath with the little french sign!


  18. Swestie replied:

    I LOVE that photo of you (?) on the beach! I want to be there!


  19. theparisapartment replied:

    it’s liz! come!


  20. le petit cabinet de curiosites replied:

    I’ve always wondered how it would be to celebrate christmas with a warm weather !
    In my mind, christmas time means cold, snow , winter …but …


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