buttons, baubles bits and bobs

hi guys! i had big plans to blog tonight but instead am going out to see a friend’s newborn! so i’ll leave you with what i started, apparently a collection of small things. lots of the little things in markets make me happy, even buttons or spools. it’s the details that make everything special, n’est-ce pas?

October 19, 2011. Paris, Paris Flea Markets.


  1. A Gift Wrapped Life replied:

    Gorgeous details and looks like we were on the same wavelength today witth our “Buttoned-Up’ Posts. Hope you are relaxing after your Paris adventure. XO


  2. Teresa @ Splendid Sass replied:

    I love antique buttons. My grandmother had jars of them, and I loved to look through the jars as a child and play games with the buttons.
    Love these.


  3. Smalltown Me replied:

    Love the thread..I should do a rainbow display of my collection. I didn’t collect it on purpose…it just happened.


  4. Karen Albert replied:

    Growing up my mother always had a button box. A go to if one fell off an item of clothing. Mine is not necessarily antique, a nice assortment though.

    I love yours Claudia!

    Art by Karena


  5. Patti replied:

    I love all your “Little” treasures. Your buttons are gorgeous and so unique, but that yummy hardware has my heart racing. Lovely post as always.


  6. ParisienSalon replied:

    I love buttons! I have a drawer full of them … and one day, I may actually do something with them.


  7. Dentelline replied:

    Que de merveilles pour la couture, j’adore!
    Thanks for sharing!
    Have a good evening!


  8. designchic replied:

    My mother in law was a wonderful seamstress and she had a great collection of antique buttons…love them!!


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