a board of my own

hey guys, happy sunday. how’s your night shaping up? it was an early am at mac again. there’s so much technology around me right now that when i got the bulletin board after class, it was a relief knowing it would only involve paper, scissors and pushpins. i really had no idea how much i’d enjoy making this mood board today. putting it together with the stuff from a file box that’s been in storage for so long was a great meditation.  it was a pandora’s box of pretty things that had been stashed far too long. i could probably make a board a day. i may take the whole thing down and make another tomorrow! if you have favorite tear sheets in folders, break them out and enjoy them. it’s really therapeutic. and i think it might be good for us. i was just looking up mood quotes and found this:

Any art communicates what you’re in the mood to receive. 
Larry Rivers

so there’s that. well have a great rest of the night! if you have a mood board, let me know and i’ll link to it!

August 29, 2011. Mood Boards.


  1. christine95037 replied:

    Oh Claudia – I have 4″ deep folder of tear sheets – from paint to back yards, lipstick shades, decor, clothing, etc….
    I’m gonna need a bigger board.



  2. Amy replied:

    Wow, I’m planning on doing a board too in my new office. I can’t wait to have inspiration up on my wall to see daily. That quote is absolutely right on. I love it.


  3. Lily replied:

    You have definitely inspired me ! I have been wanting to do this for a while now so thanks for the reminder !!



  4. Splendid Sass replied:

    Saw your shop on Joni’s blog. Congratulations!
    I already have your book and have thoroughly enjoyed it.
    Have a great week. Love your board!


  5. S.P. replied:

    Great board!


  6. Merillion replied:

    Love your moodboard. I never even thought about doing this. (Actually, I never really knew what a “moodboard” was.) You’ve inspired me to make one.
    Let your light shine!


  7. Sugared Elephant replied:

    Love your mood board and you have inspired me to redo mine!


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