oh lord i want to be in that number

above and below: kay o’toole via cotedetexas.blogspot.com/2010/02/texas-enfilade.html

hi guys! hope you’re having an all american superbowl sunday, where ever you are or whatever you’re doing! yay saints! this is going to be a  quickie but i just wanted to post a couple of blogs of bloggers who’ve stopped by or i came across randomly today and wanted to share their pretty pics while they’re still fresh! so in no particular order or rationale:

below is bella notte via




cecil beaton via couturemillinery.com




well that actually took a lot longer than it should have!  so i gotta go but back to me for a quick sec: i  had to create a new account at  twitter.com/parisapartment and start over! so stop by and chase me and  i’ll  you chase you back   ;p

have a great night!

pss not for anything but just googled when the saints go marching in and saw the lyrics. radical.

February 8, 2010. Blogroll, Friends. 12 comments.