what’s the story


bonjour toute le monde et bonne lundi soir. that’s probably mangled; i’m not sure you can say lundi soir but hey, i digress…already! in plain english, hey what’s shakin? it’s officially the end of week one of this 52 week challenge. trying not to have any preconceived notions of where i should be at this point and just being ok with where i am.  although it was a full day, today was one more of talking and brainstorming than tons of accomplishment. with that said, focusing on this project gave me a chance to read some articles and watch a couple videos that had an impact and i wanted to share them today. for some reason i’ve had mood/inspiration/vision boards on the brain for the past few days. i never thought much about them but apparently they’re all the rage when it comes to creating the outcomes you want.  google it and you’ll see what i mean:

vision boards - google images

from what i’ve read, seeing your desires together in one place, focusing intention and aligning with your purpose are just some of the things they can help us do. recognizing that you already have a lot of it is also a powerful wakeup call.

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of course everyone’s is different, and i really love looking at them cause i have that voyeur thing and plus they’re such an insight into someone, their mind, creativity, process, how they curate, whether it’s neat or messy or flat or 3D, boards are just fascinating. all the photos here can be found on pinterest here in moodboards and offices:


in fact, pinterest itself is one big vision board (as we addicts to it can attest). i adore collecting the images and am thrilled to have a place to visit them at any time day or night to get inspiration and know it’s all just how you left it, not all folded up in some ‘clippings’ folder like the old days.


sounds ridiculous on one hand but now, thinking about it, it’s starting to make sense. having all your favorite things in one place is a couple things, not the least of which is comforting. it’s also a great way to stay organized. you can easily find recipes, bookmark how to’s, smell the flowers,  save funny quotes…what did we do before pinterest? here’s mine.


below is a link to what got this vision board obsession started. they suggest pinterest as a great tool for manifestation and visualization.


Screen Shot 2016-01-11 at 9.37.44 PM


i don’t want to do a whole encyclopedia on the subject even though it would be so easy (and fun) to do. these are a few that had good insights and pretty visuals:


You can use your vision board to depict goals and dreams in all areas of your life, or in just one specific area that you are focusing on.  Keep it neat, and be selective about what you place in your vision board. It’s a good idea to avoid creating a cluttered or chaotic board… you don’t want to attract chaos into your life.  jackcanfield.com



Use only the words and images that best represent your purpose, your ideal future, and words that inspire positive emotions in you. There is beauty in simplicity and clarity. Too many images and too much information will be distracting and harder to focus on. jack canfield


And don’t forget personal, emotional and spiritual goals such as feelings you’d like to experience, people you’d like to attract into your life,  places you’d like to visit, lifestyle goals like your health, relationships and personal achievements such as becoming an expert in your niche or writing a book.


She says: One of the most powerful decisions I ever made was to become a deliberate creator, instead of just letting life happen to me. 



this speaks for itself!


one of the takeaways from today was something that oprah and tony robbins were discussing and i’m beginning to understand now diving deeper into this. tony said we need 3 things to get started:

1.a strategy- how to go about getting what you want. you can’t do it without a plan. the boards help us focus.

2.the right story – what is your story and how is it aligned with your beliefs and aspirations? making a board is like bringing your own fairy tale to life

3.new state of mind – chuck out the old stories you’ve been telling yourself (i can’t cause i’m too old/young, have no time/drive/extra cash blah blah blah). you can have your story be anything you want, things you never dared dream are right there for the tearing and gluing. have you made a moodboard? do you revisit and update it?

oh wow. it’s getting late. one of my new resolutions is to turn off the tech an hour before bed so off i go. have a great night!

The time you spend visualizing in the evening just before bed is especially powerful. The thoughts and images that are present in your mind during the last forty-five minutes before going to sleep are the ones that will replay themselves repeatedly in your subconscious mind through¬out the night, and the thoughts and images that you begin each day with will help you to create a vibrational match for the future you desire. 

January 12, 2016. the paris apartment project, TPA Project.


  1. Logan Wilhelm replied:

    Today’s journey blew my mind…I only got about half way through as it was a lot to digest. It will definitely take a bit of time to explore the avenues, venues, websites, etc that you set forth.
    The vision board is a marvelous tool that I have started to use while refurbishing an old dolls-house. There are so many choices and ideas floating around that getting focused allows me to make lists about overall style, materials and an organizational chart of what to do when.
    I am at a different stage of my life than you are, but the process is pretty much the same. I ADORE processes although at the same time love random influences!
    Thanks for today!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Logan, I’d love to see your dollhouses, I have one at my parent’s house that needs a massive makeover but has all the trimmings. Thanks for checking in today. Hope you get to take a look at some of the info/videos. I had them on while i was working so it was a positive background noise instead of news or the same old ipod songs!


  2. MJH DesignArts replied:

    Hi Claudia, I love your daily updates–they keep me motivated. (Despite having a rather downer day.) I had never thought about inspiration boards as anything other than relative to the design field. But we are designing our lives–makes complete sense. xoxo Mary

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      I’m sorry you had a crummy day, Mary, what happened? Well I’m happy you’re here and hope you’re feeling better in the morning xoc


  3. Sue replied:

    Hi Claudi, loving the videos. One thing struck me from your clippings. Best in the City. Could be you and you being the best in the City. Dream big, put yourself first. Best wishes, Sue

    Liked by 1 person

  4. Chryle replied:

    Dearest Claudia~

    Despite being a “visual” person and Pinterest extremest (I don’t think I’m addicted to anything other than being happy), I have never done a vision board and probably never will. It just never feels right. Thankfully, I also like to write, and have started writing letters to my best friend who died several years ago from complications following ovarian cancer. I miss her so much that even after so many years, the pain is still overwhelming sometimes. So, the letters have two benefits for me – I tell my new story the way I want it to be as if it’s already happened and I’m sharing it with her, and I get to write a letter to Doreen at the same time! Truly a win-win for me. Anyway….

    I love what Sue said: “Dream big, put yourself first.” I’d add to that “ignore the rules.” No one knows you better than you do and no one will ever know you as well as you do. Take what works and leave the rest. Trust yourself, which may well be a journey inside your journey. ;)

    Here’s to your vision… and your every-refining ability to focus the lens so you can clearly see the picture of your life,

    p.s. I love Linda Rodin and her vision board wall!


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