first things first


bon soir toute le monde. it was a day of transformation. i wish i could say this was my office above but alas, she’s not me. i’m channeling her tonight though for tomorrow’s final touches.  it’s 10pm and has been a super long day. it’s day 2 of the project and i just couldn’t do anything at all until that office was attacked and conquered. just shows what a year of slacking off can do and then again, what one day of focused attention can do too. i worked non-stop. when i look at the finished results of hours put into cleaning the office it doesn’t seem that impressive. but i did embrace my OCD and organized the shelves down to every little item. it was a nice surprise was to find there was stock on handles we make and i didn’t even realize.


i’m sure we’ve all read posts on organizing, maximizing time and energy. there are a million ways busy people do it all. but i wanted to spend this first day thinking about the simplest things i’d read and see what stuck before putting anything else in my head. i’m an instant gratification kind of gal and was kind of eager to start my day. still i knew it was in my best interest so i did the 30 second program which is 30 seconds plank, 30 second headstand and 30 second meditation. after breakfast i put on my game face and went in for the kill on the office and wasn’t going to stop till it was time to say when and go to have a glass of wine and unwind with my girl, liz. now i’m home and i have a small window to get this up and not screw up on just day two. so in a 30 second synopsis,  these are some of the things i learned and thought may be helpful to share:

*to make videos, i used my laptop using photobooth.  here’s a video i watched to learn: in the video you’ll see the writing is backwards…does that mean everything is backward? hmmmm
your creation will end with .mov. when you’re ready to share the video, go to File/Export and put it on your desktop. it’s not a a great option but for me it’s the only one till i learn to use the phone or ipad for video. not sure how to send the files since they’re large. am i missing something? anyway thank you, google.

i want to thank you for coming back if you’re going to be checking in. you’re the reason i’m inspired to do this and in fact keep going which is even a struggle on day two for  a sloth like me. i’m so happy to know you and hope that you share your experience too.

and last but not least, i’m passing on two of the links i listened to while i cleaned up…no judgement. not the kind of thing i’d normally check out but definitely worth a listen. i learned A LOT

ok leaving you with some inspiration pics. all images in this post can be found on my ‘office’ board at

Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 11.16.18 PM



ok, made it under the midnight hour, whew…i’m gonna take a well deserved guilty pleasure tv break. have a great night, so glad you came by!Screen Shot 2016-01-06 at 10.45.04 PM



January 7, 2016. Tags: . paris apartment project.


  1. Susanne replied:

    Thanks for the photos and inspiration–really makes me want to get going on a total office redo!

    Liked by 1 person

  2. PaulaJeansGarden replied:

    Your office looks sooo great. Beautiful Job:) Enjoy working in that gorgeous, organized space.

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Thanks, Paula! Tomorrow I’m going to get some flowers for my desk and at least make the table top pretty.


      • PaulaJeansGarden replied:

        Flowers make such a difference–all of those magazine spreads for decor always have pretty arrangements!


  3. logan wilhelm replied:

    Your posts are very real…and I like that. This journey will be a hard on as sometimes I get scattered and “Life” steps in to throw my best intentions aside. Inspired though to make an effort to do what is needed. Thanks for kicking butt!

    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Logan, glad you stopped by! Because I’m doing this online and kinda publicly, it’s going to be impossible to do anything but carry on. I know you will too!


  4. Chryle replied:

    Dearest Claudia~

    What a cool idea – your 30 / 30 / 30 second program to start your day! I’m thinking of ways to morph it into a break for myself to re-focus when I feel I need the distraction or re-focus during the day.

    Congratulations on Day 2! I agree with Logan Wilhelm that your posts are very real. That’s partly why your blog is the only one I follow. It’s also lyrically written. And I love love love the photos you include! If I remember correctly, that’s how I found your blog – through one of your photos via a Google search.


    Liked by 1 person

    • The Paris Apartment replied:

      Hi Chryle, what a difference a day makes! I’m seeing this in reverse, just after reading your post from today. I’m glad you’re along for this ride with me.


  5. Lisa replied:

    Fantastic group of images… You always find the best! I love your office!


  6. MJH DesignArts replied:

    Tuesday and Wednesday Roberto & I totally redid shop–painted, expanded, took down, hung up, etc. It feels so good. Thanks for the inspiration. xox Mary


  7. Paul E. Stolle replied:

    Realy beautiful interior photos.


  8. fawnthomas replied:

    Yay! Great job. This week I am going to take my cue from you and try to do some office organizing and purging. What a great post, love the office design inspiration. Thank you for the links to listen to while getting to the business of organizing.


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